Informed Consent


Mapa Mental sobre Informed Consent, criado por Becca Wilson em 02-12-2015.
Becca Wilson
Mapa Mental por Becca Wilson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Becca Wilson
Criado por Becca Wilson mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Informed Consent
  1. "Service Quality and Patient-Centered Care"
    1. Nursing Implications
      1. understand patient needs, wants, and asses understanding of the procedure
        1. Nurses should communicate with patients to ensure all questions are answered thoroughly.
        2. Patient Implications
          1. Patients need to feel comfortable to ask any questions they have regarding the procedure.
        3. "Nurses' Roles in Informed Consent in a Hierarchical and Communal Context"
          1. Nursing Implications
            1. witness- attest authenticity of patient signature and compliance with treatment prescribed
              1. communicate information regarding the treatment so patient is able to make the best decision going forward
                1. Do not allow patient to sign if patient believed to be coerced, incapable of making decision on their own, or if they have possibly changed their mind
                2. Patient Implications
                  1. if cannot write, consent will need to be recorded audibly
                    1. right to interpreter
                      1. ask questions, and letting hospital staff know if they do not understand
                        1. right to receive current, accurate information regarding the statistics of treatment and all viable options presented before making a decision
                      2. "Informed Consent: Whose Duty to Inform?"
                        1. Nursing Implications
                          1. inform patient of all potential complications/caveats regarding the care in which they are consenting to receive
                            1. Witness and Assess patient ability to make a sound, informed, and non-coerced decision regarding the care
                            2. Patient Implications
                              1. have a relationship with their provider in which they feel confident and comfortable asking questions surrounding their care
                            3. "Problematising Autonomy and Advocacy In Nursing Care"
                              1. Nursing Implications
                                1. Nurses need to understand that patients need autonomy in their healthcare experience.
                                  1. Nurses should be able to recognize when a patient is unable to make an informed choice regarding their medical care.
                                  2. Patient Implications
                                    1. Patients should be willling to ask questions when confused about informed consent
                                      1. Patients should be allowed to make healthcare decisions without the nurse influences their choice
                                    2. "Informed Consent Prior to Nursing Care Procedures"
                                      1. Nursing Implicaitons
                                        1. spearhead a positive change by showing other staff members the importance and positive outcomes of providing informed consent prior to procedures are implemented
                                          1. New nurses should observe the process of informed consent related to nursing care procedures so that they may benefit and the quality of information they share with patients is improved
                                          2. Patient Implications
                                            1. If not properly informed/receiving correct information can raise anxiety and prolong healing/poor rapport
                                              1. without proper information can lead to inappropriate delivery of care
                                            2. "Patient advocacy and patient centredness in participant recruitment to randomized-controlled trials: implications for informed consent"
                                              1. Nursing Implications
                                                1. reaffirming patient that role first and foremost is both as a patient advocate and as clinicians
                                                  1. ensure that the patient understands nurse is not a recruiter for the concept
                                                  2. patient
                                                    1. important to feel heard when making an informed decision regarding a procedure/intervention
                                                      1. understand/feel they can ask questions openly and have a clinician who is well versed enough to answer those concerns


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