Out Of My Mind


Out of my mind is a book by Sharon M. Draper.
Emily Yost
Mapa Mental por Emily Yost, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emily Yost
Criado por Emily Yost mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Out Of My Mind
  1. Characters:
    1. Melody
      1. Mom
        1. Dad
          1. Protective
            1. hardworking
          2. Caring
            1. loving
          3. Kind
            1. Intelligent
        2. Theme:
          1. Just because you're limited in one place, you're not limited everywhere
          2. Setting:
            1. Present-time
              1. In a small town
            2. Conflict:
              1. Everybody thinks Melody isn't smart because she can't talk or walk.
              2. Conflict Cause:
                1. Melody didn't have any way of showing that she was smart.


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