The Return


A mind map for the Book The Return by William Shatner
Caleb Lopez
Mapa Mental por Caleb Lopez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Caleb Lopez
Criado por Caleb Lopez mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Return
  1. Maine conflict
    1. The conflict in The Return is the Romulans And the Borg Collective.
    2. Setting
      1. The setting The Return is the Challenger ,the AvatarOf The Times,and a Borg cube ship.
      2. Theme
        1. The theme in The Return is that having friends can help
        2. Characters
          1. Spock
            1. Fast
              1. Logical
                1. strategic
                2. Picard
                  1. brave
                    1. wise
                      1. leading
                      2. Kirk
                        1. strong
                          1. brave
                            1. smart


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