RiaAsSender (Correspondant Pays the order)


High FxGlobal Mapa Mental sobre RiaAsSender (Correspondant Pays the order), criado por Jose Ramon Sagarna em 04-01-2016.
Jose Ramon Sagarna
Mapa Mental por Jose Ramon Sagarna, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jose Ramon Sagarna
Criado por Jose Ramon Sagarna mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

RiaAsSender (Correspondant Pays the order)
    1. OP_VeryfOrderForPayout
      1. OP_ConfirmOrderPaid
        1. Request: Response data from OP_VeryfOrderForPayout
          1. Response: Response Code:1000 ResponseText = “Order confirmed as paid”
            1. OP_VoidOrderPaidConfirmation (This method only can be called within 2 minutes after calling the method OP_ConfirmOrderPaid.)
              1. Request:OrderPaidTranRefID
                1. Response: Response Code: 1000 ResponseText = "Paid Confirmation has been voided succesfully"
              2. Request: PIN
                1. Response: “TransRefID”, “OrderNo”, “BeneCurrency”,”BeneAmount”,etc... Response Code:1000 ResponseText = “Order is available to be paid”
                1. GetOrdersForDownload
                  1. Request=PayingCorrespID
                    1. InputOrderStatusNotices
                      1. Request=PCOrderNo, SCOrderNo, NotificationID, OrderStatus = “RECEIVED”.
                        1. Response= NotificationCode:1000 NotificationDesc:Success
                          1. InputOrderStatusNotices
                            1. Request= OrderStatus = “PAID”.
                              1. Response= NotificationCode:1000 NotificationDesc:Success
                              2. InputOrderStatusNotices
                                1. Request= OrderStatus = “CANCELLED”.
                                  1. Response= NotificationCode:1000 NotificationDesc:Success
                                  2. InputOrderStatusNotices
                                    1. Response= NotificationCode:1000 NotificationDesc:Success
                                      1. Request= OrderStatus = “REJECTED”
                                    2. Response= Orders list, Delivery Method: 2 NotificationCode:1000 NotificationDesc:Success
                                  3. HOME DELIVERY TRANSACTIONS
                                    1. GetOrdersForDownload
                                      1. Request=PayingCorrespID
                                        1. Response= Orders list, Delivery Method: 3
                                          1. InputOrderStatusNotices
                                            1. Request=PCOrderNo, SCOrderNo, NotificationID, OrderStatus = “RECEIVED”.
                                              1. Response= NotificationCode:1000 NotificationDesc:Success
                                                1. InputOrderStatusNotices
                                                  1. Request= OrderStatus = “PAID”.
                                                    1. Response= NotificationCode:1000 NotificationDesc:Success
                                                    2. InputOrderStatusNotices
                                                      1. Request= OrderStatus = “CANCELLED”.
                                                        1. Response= NotificationCode:1000 NotificationDesc:Success
                                                        2. InputOrderStatusNotices
                                                          1. Request= OrderStatus = “REJECTED”
                                                            1. Response= NotificationCode:1000 NotificationDesc:Success
                                                      2. CUSTOMER SERVICE MESSAGES
                                                        1. InputPayersCustSvcMsgs
                                                          1. GetSendersCustSvcMsgs
                                                            1. Request= PCOrderNo, SCOrderNo, MessageText, EnteredBy
                                                              1. Response= NotificationCode:1000 NotificationDesc:Success


                                                            FxGlobal - Documentation
                                                            Jose Ramon Sagarna
                                                            FxGlobal INTRO
                                                            Jose Ramon Sagarna
                                                            RiaAsSender - Quiz
                                                            Jose Ramon Sagarna
                                                            RiaAsPayer (Correspondant Send The Order)
                                                            Jose Ramon Sagarna
                                                            Introduction to WebServices
                                                            Jose Ramon Sagarna
                                                            ESTRUTURA DAS PALAVRAS - Morfologia
                                                            Viviana Veloso
                                                            PSICOLOGIA DO DESENVOLVIMENTO E DA APRENDIZAGEM
                                                            Resumo de Biologia - Ciclos da Vida e Evolução
                                                            Larissa Guimarães
                                                            BIOQUÍMICA CELULAR
                                                            DOCÊNCIA NO ENSINO SUPERIOR
                                                            SIQUELE CAMPELO
                                                            Comunicação Social para Concurseiros
                                                            Ricardo Olimpio