A reflective account of my learning & professional development arising from placement


Mapa Mental sobre A reflective account of my learning & professional development arising from placement, criado por candypitt em 10-04-2013.
Mapa Mental por candypitt, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por candypitt aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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  1. LO1 - Demonstrate understanding of the nature of learning & teaching achieved on placement
    1. Articulate my learning & development
      1. Pathfinder & Single plan
        1. Giving children & young people a voice
        2. Visual IEP's H.P and Video's meeting at Hillside
        3. Analyse whether I have achieved intended learning, ref to EV502, what else have I learned, what unexpected learning has taken place
          1. Ref to CP 2 - seeing single plans in action
            1. Observing learning taking place at meetings, Amex day,home,school visits
            2. Link learning to learning needs audit - Pd/CPD
              1. Audit - SEND pupils access to learning through personalised learning strategies
              2. How does learning differ in an informal setting or non - mainstream
                1. Discuss the attitude of special schools in relation to mainstream
                  1. Home visits
                    1. School visits - mainstream & special schools
                      1. Amaze
                        1. Day at the Amex pupil/young people's voice
                      2. LO2 - Demonstrate learning in relation to issues of professional engagement on placement & challenges of working with other professionals
                        1. Changes in my own professional identity
                          1. Do I feel the same about techer role?
                            1. The contribution of other professionals to learning and development
                              1. Professionals communicating with each other.
                                1. Ed Psych meeting/SENCo/Health,social,ed meeting
                                2. Limitations & challenges with multi-agencies or inter -professional
                                  1. Positive impact of working alongside other professionals
                                  2. LO3 - Reflection on & evaluation of implications for learners and for my own professional role & identity, arising from placement
                                    1. Identify areas of learning, impact on future prof development
                                      1. Ways to consider developing
                                        1. The persuit of:SENCo, pastoral,inclusive school environment,more SEND in mainstream, BDA cert in schools
                                      2. Links to 2012 standards
                                        1. Reflection on group work & identify changes needed
                                          1. How has reflection contributed to my learning & prof development


                                          Noções Gerais de Direito Administrativo
                                          Alynne Saraiva
                                          Guia de Estudos para OAB 1a Fase
                                          Alessandra S.
                                          Gramática - Fonologia - Quiz I
                                          tiago meira de almeida
                                          Como Estudar Química
                                          Alessandra S.
                                          Entidades da Administração Indireta
                                          Simulado Biologia
                                          Marina Faria
                                          Sistema Reprodutor Masculino
                                          Ana Inês Kruecck Quintas
                                          Orações Subordinadas
                                          DOCÊNCIA NO ENSINO SUPERIOR
                                          SIQUELE CAMPELO
                                          Kamila Vieira
                                          Plano de estudos ENEM 2017 - Matérias que mais caem
                                          Nathalia - GoConqr