Science and Technology - Surveillance


Mapa Mental sobre Science and Technology - Surveillance, criado por Laura D em 07-01-2016.
Laura D
Mapa Mental por Laura D, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Laura D
Criado por Laura D mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Science and Technology - Surveillance
  1. Definition of "surveillance"
    1. another word for monitoring of the behavior and activities of people
      1. normally aimed at influencing managing or protecting
        1. ambigous practice, which may create either positive or negative effects
          1. sometimes done in a surreptitious manner
          2. useful tool for governments to control their citizens, recognize and monitor threats, and prevent criminal activity
            1. a number of civil rights and privacy outfits are concerned that the government surveillance of citizens can result in a mass surveillance society without political and personal freedoms
              1. Social network analysis
                1. use information from social networks e.g. Facebooks or Twitter
                  1. create a profile of each person which includes these information
                  2. American government agencies like the NSA do social network analysis to prevent attacks by groups of terrorists
                  3. Data security
                    1. transparent society
                      1. symbol for the detailed surveillance of people and their behavior by the state
                      2. Secret Service / Intelligence
                      3. UK vs. US
                        1. UK
                          1. CCTV (closed circuit television)
                          2. US
                            1. 9/11
                              1. airports
                                1. detailed questionnaires people have to fill out if they want to enter the US
                                  1. NSA
                                2. Future Prospects
                                  1. refugee debate
                                    1. saftey in public
                                      1. terrorist attacks
                                        1. Paris
                                        2. rapes
                                          1. night of New Year's Eve in cologne
                                          2. train stations
                                            1. airports


                                          Noções Gerais de Direito Administrativo
                                          Alynne Saraiva
                                          Interpretação de Texto
                                          Renata Luana
                                          Phrasal Verbs - Inglês #3
                                          Eduardo .
                                          GoConqr suporte .
                                          Anatomia e Fisiologia do Aparelho Urinário Humano
                                          Ana Inês Kruecck Quintas
                                          Direito Processual Civil
                                          Joelma Silva
                                          Plano de estudos ENEM - Parte 2 *Exatas/Biológicas
                                          Alice Sousa
                                          Direitos humanos em face à história da humanidade
                                          Roberto Bublitz
                                          Números e Operações (Fundamental)
                                          Andre Gonçalves
                                          Dos Direitos da Personalidade (Arts. 11º ao 21º)
                                          Luiz Concursos
                                          Contextualização da Aula 1- Gestão - Administração da Carreira Profissional
                                          Fabrícia Assunção