Qing Dynasty mind map


Charlotte Huang
Mapa Mental por Charlotte Huang, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Huang
Criado por Charlotte Huang mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Qing Dynasty mind map
  1. Contributions
    1. The Great Wall of China still stands today and people goes to the temple.
      1. There still sits the dragon throne of the chinese emperors
        1. The Qing dynasty made block printing, paper money, and advanced silk,,ect.
        2. Special Landmarks
          1. Imperial Palace is in Beijing
            1. The Great Wall of China
              1. The Summer Palace: China Largest Imperial Garden
              2. Geography
                1. The emperor chose that location because they had a war with Japan.
                  1. Japan was defeated and Mao
                  2. Traditions
                    1. The ornamentation of formal (chaofu) and semi-formal (jifu) court robe
                      1. The dragon symbolised the emperor
                        1. Rank verwas y colourfel and ornamentation
                        2. Achievments
                          1. The dynasty that overthrew the Yuan dynasty (1279–1368)
                            1. Great Wall of China


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