Radhika's Typical Day


Mapa Mental sobre Radhika's Typical Day, criado por radhika.ravi em 12-12-2013.
Mapa Mental por radhika.ravi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por radhika.ravi mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Radhika's Typical Day
  1. Quick Catch up with Mails
    1. Never Quick..
      1. Why Mails...i just steal time into the social media and get lost
      2. Wake up Children
        1. Find a story of the day to wake them in good mood
          1. Assign dad to shift them half asleep
        2. Do some Yoga..probably never happens
          1. Make Good Coffee
            1. Only Task I do for "ME"
            2. Guide the cook with incessent running commentry
              1. Poor Lady, she get baffeled!
                1. Please speak in Tamil....Use the word "Round" which is considered as "tamil"
                2. Oops...some home left for Adhia
                  1. Usual affair!Get hair Plaited
                  2. Adhav ready for school?
                    1. Found in in front of the mirror in BR...serious thinking,perhaps
                      1. Darg him and Clean him...or call dad to get him cleaned :-)
                      2. Had breakfast???His 2 Carrots?
                      3. Quick instructions to the driver
                        1. Any Buying?
                          1. Change in schedules
                            1. Info to be sought from school
                              1. Headlines of Local news
                                1. Detailed news while driving
                              2. Get ready to start off to office
                                1. Get Children off to school
                                  1. Sort out "HIS" needs
                                    1. Quick Bath
                                      1. Breakfast & tea
                                      2. Amma???
                                        1. Make a good coffee...she will not ask for one
                                          1. Overseeing.....wanted to run as much as I run
                                          2. Make tea....Thanks to some dietitian, He has stopped coffee in take!
                                            1. Would share thoughts over his tea
                                              1. Half way through sudden proclamation that he does not need LUNCH!
                                              2. Send kids off to extra classes - Evening
                                                1. Adhav - Karate
                                                  1. Dress, Belt...
                                                  2. Adhia - Dance or Music
                                                  3. Late evening calls ( My evening is till 11:59:99PM)
                                                    1. Attend calls
                                                      1. Adhia might have a book to be read..or perhaps she is reading aloud already to be interpreted
                                                        1. Eat Dinner in between


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