Real or Perceived Barriers


Mindmap about P&C assignment
Mapa Mental por kalle90, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por kalle90 aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Real or Perceived Barriers
  1. What is the P&C
    1. What do they run?
      1. What would we lose without them?
        1. How does it function?
          1. What work is involved
          2. Research Secondary Sources
            1. How do other schools run their P&C? (Monto State School, Biggenden, Biloela, Gayndah, etc)
              1. Ask about other local organisations (Bec Zieth, Mandy Dawson)
                1. Constitution
                2. Local community and school community members
                  1. Mrs Cochran
                    1. Mrs Zumbansen
                      1. Mrs Delaney-O'Reilley
                        1. Mrs Roach (Monto State School)
                          1. Melinda Jones?
                            1. Local Organisations (football club)
                              1. Bec Zeith
                                1. Parents
                                2. Issues
                                  1. Why are people not volunteering?
                                    1. Where is the problem? Executive,


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