

Mapa Mental sobre SAB9#118Tipos_de_Riesgos, criado por edith.labastida. em 10-03-2016.
Mapa Mental por edith.labastida., atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por edith.labastida. aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Threats and Opportunities
    1. Risks are identified and managed starting in initiating and are continually kept up-to-date or added to while the project is underway.
      1. Uncertainty
        1. The work that needs to be done, the cost, the time, the quality needs, the communications needs, etc., can be uncertain. The investigation of uncertainties may help identify risks
        2. Risk Factors
          1. how likely
            1. impact or amount at stake)
              1. when
                1. how often
                2. Risk Appetites Tolerances and Thresholds


                  • These three terms each refer to the level of risk an individual or group is willing to accept.
                  1. Risk appetite is a general, high-level description of the acceptable level of risk
                    1. the sponsor is willing to accept little risk to the schedule on this project
                    2. The term risk tolerance is more specific, as it refers to a measurable amount of acceptable risk
                      1. In this case, our sponsor might be said to be willing to accept schedule risk of up to 14 days on this project.
                      2. A risk threshold is the specific point at which risk becomes unacceptable.
                        1. the sponsor will not accept a risk of the schedule being delayed 15 days or longer
                      3. Risk Averse


                        Alessandra S.
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                        Vestibular - Roteiro de Estudos
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                        FCE Opposites Practice
                        Redação para Vestibular
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                        ADMINISTRAÇÃO PÚBLICA
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