Paper Chromatography


Mapa Mental sobre Paper Chromatography, criado por sarahyeoh em 14-01-2014.
Mapa Mental por sarahyeoh, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por sarahyeoh mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Paper Chromatography
  1. What is paper chromatography?
    1. is a technique of using a solvent to separate a mixture into its components for identification purposes and determining of purity.
      1. very useful method to separate and identify components in a sample like dyes in inks, poison in drugs etc.
    2. Process: 1.a pencil line is drawn across the chromatography paper to indicate the starting position of mixture spots.
      1. 2. important to use a pencil because inks will sumuge
        1. 3. Paper dipped into a solvent
          1. mixture dissolve in the solvent and moves up the paper
        2. results:
        3. How does it work?
          2. How to identify colourless substances?
            1. Apply a locating agent on the chromatogram
              1. agents react with the substances to produce a coloured substance
            2. applications of chromatography
              1. separate and identify dyes and drugs
                1. identify chemicals sprayed on vegetables
                  1. determine purity of a sample
              2. Advantages of chromatography
                1. allow analysis if a tiny amount of chemicals
                  1. sensitive and highly reproducible
                    1. allow analysis of many samples in a time.
                2. How do we interpret the result of chromatography?
                  1. If the chromatogram shows food colouring is a mixture of 2 dyes, It is not pure.
                    1. But is there is only one spot, it means it is pure,


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