The Necklace


Mapa Mental sobre The Necklace, criado por larissa larissa em 11-05-2016.
larissa larissa
Mapa Mental por larissa larissa, atualizado more than 1 year ago
larissa larissa
Criado por larissa larissa quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Necklace
  1. The parisian society was based on three classes
    1. the very rich- bourgoise, the middle class, the working class, the lower middle class
      1. also based on appearances
      2. Madam Loisel
        1. is irritated by husband
          1. pretty,delightful, no dowry
            1. dressed simply ,unhappy
              1. potential for ''natural guile'',''instinctive elegance'', and adaptability
                1. ''angry, tortured''-effect of unhappiness
                  1. thankful for necklace ''kissed her extravagantly''
                    1. ''elegant,graceful, radiant,wonderfully happy.'' ''danced wildly''
                      1. ''battling, hard, uncouth housewife"


                      The Necklace revision notes
                      Sarah Holmes
                      How does the writer bring out the importance of appearance and reality in The Necklace?
                      Sarah Holmes
                      Understanding character in The Necklace
                      Sarah Holmes
                      Raciocínio Lógico Simulado Concurso
                      Roberta Souza
                      Denise Teófilo
                      Poder Constituinte
                      Jay Benedicto
                      Brasil Colônia
                      Andreia Pinheiro
                      Glossário de Direito Empresarial
                      Daniella Paulino
                      1ª Guerra Mundial
                      Daniel Lima
                      Metodologias Ativas
                      Jussara Seidel