History: Res Publica- The Republic


Mapa Mental sobre History: Res Publica- The Republic , criado por Yu-Qing Tham em 17-05-2016.
Yu-Qing Tham
Mapa Mental por Yu-Qing Tham , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Yu-Qing Tham
Criado por Yu-Qing Tham quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

History: Res Publica- The Republic
  1. The citizens of Rome
    1. Patricians nobles who own estates & were descended from the founders of the city
      1. Plebeians ordinary peasant farmers & craftsmen
        1. they met in the Assembly here they elected
          1. Magistrates officials who were appointed to be judges, to look after the citie's finances & other jobs
            1. Senate when magistrates retire, they become members of the senate. They had a lot of experience & gave advice to the consuls. The senate become very important & ended up controlling Rome.
            2. Tribunes were appointed to protect the ordinary people against unfair treatment
              1. 2 Consuls governed the city -elected for 1 year only -couldn't be elected again until 10 years had passed -both had to agree before a decision could be made


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