Input,output,processing,and storage devies


Mapa Mental sobre Input,output,processing,and storage devies, criado por Josh Searle em 18-05-2016.
Josh Searle
Mapa Mental por Josh Searle, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Josh Searle
Criado por Josh Searle quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Input,output,processing,and storage devies
  1. output
      1. headphones are an out put divice because thay play music
      2. TV
        1. a TV is an output divice because when you use a TV rimote it turns it on
        2. moniter
          1. a moniter shows imeges
          2. phone
            1. a phone is an output divise because when you call some one it puts out sound
            2. ipad
              1. an ipad dose the same as a phone
              2. speacers
                1. speakers are an out put divice because thay play music
                2. whatch
                  1. a whatch is an out put divice because it tells you the time
                  2. progecter
                    1. a progecter is an output divice because when you use the rimote it turns it on
                    2. printer
                      1. a printer is an out put divise because it prints out pickters
                      2. arecade games
                        1. an arcade game is an out put because whan you press the butons it gives a caricter doing stuth
                      3. storage
                        1. ram
                          1. a ram dose the same as a hard drive and a memory stick
                          2. harddrive
                            1. a hard drive dose adsakilly the same as a memory stick
                            2. floppy disk
                              1. A floppy disk, also called a diskette or just disk, is a type of disk storage composed of a disk howeva we dont use one any more
                              2. tapes
                                1. a tape is a divise that storse music or things that you say if you was to record something
                              3. input
                                1. key bord
                                  1. is somthing that you tipe info in to the computer
                                  2. tv rimote
                                    1. a tv rimote can chane a canal on a tv
                                    2. mouse
                                      1. a mouse is sumthing that if you click it sends a signail to the pc to click on it
                                      2. xbox controler
                                        1. when you press a button on the controler it sends actions to the xbox
                                        2. I pad
                                          1. an ipad dose the same as a phone but you cant call
                                          2. phone
                                            1. a phone is somthing that you can call people on
                                            2. arcard game
                                              1. on an arcade game when you hit the buttons it puts the pichter on
                                              2. wii controler
                                                1. a wii controler is the same as a xbox
                                                2. web cam
                                                  1. when you tern it on it looks at you an puts it on it puts your face on the computer
                                                  2. miker phone
                                                    1. a mikerphone is a divise that ricords you or a tipe of mike that you use on the xbox
                                                  3. processing
                                                    1. coucilater
                                                      1. A calculator is a device that performs arithmetic operations on numbers.
                                                      2. netwerk card
                                                        1. A computer's network card works by taking the data given to it by the CPU and sending it to a destination.
                                                        2. mouther bourd
                                                          1. The Motherboard itself is a printed circuit board
                                                          2. sound card
                                                            1. In order to be able to listen to your music, a sound card converts digital data to analog sound waves you can hear.
                                                            2. printer
                                                              1. It makes a laser beam scan back and forth across a drum inside the printer
                                                            3. memory stick
                                                              1. a memory stick is a devise that stores photos off of a computer


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