What, if anything, do we owe future generations?


Environmental Ethics Mapa Mental sobre What, if anything, do we owe future generations?, criado por corinth73 em 23-04-2013.
Mapa Mental por corinth73, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por corinth73 aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

What, if anything, do we owe future generations?
  1. Do we owe or not?
    1. Why do we owe future generations
      1. Why we don't owe future generations
      2. Generations of humans or humans and non-human living organisms?
        1. Humans
          1. Education
            1. Aware of what they are heading for
              1. Aware of what they can do
                1. Aware of the possibility of limitations
                2. EcoSystem Services
                  1. Cost-economic
                    1. Cost- to life
                    2. Historically
                      1. London
                        1. Smog-1952 caused govt change
                      2. Who owes the most?
                        1. Developing?
                          1. By restraint in development?
                            1. By delay in consumption?
                            2. Developed?
                              1. By restraint in production?
                                1. By restraint in consumption?
                            3. Non-human living organisms
                              1. How can we rightly determine the correct balance of life
                                1. eg introduce organisms to eliminate others which then become pests
                                  1. What level of modelling will we ever have to understand the micro-ecosystem until it fails?


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