Film Language - Post 8


Mapa Mental sobre Film Language - Post 8, criado por molliebugg em 26-02-2014.
Mapa Mental por molliebugg, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por molliebugg aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Film Language - Post 8
  1. Camera
    1. Shot sizes
      1. Extreme Close Up- shows the characters emotions
        1. Mid Shot - show interaction between character
          1. Establishing shot - establishes the setting and characters relationship
          2. Camera Angles
            1. High Angle Shot - when the shot is filmed from a high angle to make the character look small and insignificant.
              1. Low Angle Shot - when the shot is filmed from a low angle to make the character look powerful and superior
                1. eyeliner match - when the camera is at the same level as the characters eyeliner- makes the aduaince appear equal to the character
                2. Camera Movement
                  1. Tracking - used a dolly to track backward or forwards
                    1. Panning - camera pans around the room from a fixed post - establishes location
                  2. Editing
                    1. Montage - clips edited together to develop character relationships or tell the story quickly
                      1. Continuity
                        1. correct placement of shots so a film flows in a linear motion
                          1. Lack of continuity confused the audience
                            1. Making sure the mise-en-scene stays the same throughout a scene helps keep continuity
                            2. Transitons - used between shots to cut between scenes, such as a cross dissolve or dip to balck, not used in drama films as they take away realism
                            3. Mise-en-scene
                              1. Lighting - creates atmosphere in the scene
                                1. Character Movement - sets the relationship between the character and helps show their personality
                                  1. Costume and Makeup - helps give the character identity - important in period dramas as to sets the scene
                                  2. Sound
                                    1. Non-diagetic sound that the character cannot hear, such as music played over a scene
                                      1. Diagetic - sound that the character can hear
                                        1. Soundtrack - music played over the scene, helps connect with the characters emotions


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