
Mapa Mental sobre MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT FOR LANGUAGE LEARNING AND TEACHING, criado por ValeriaAD em 27-02-2014.
Mapa Mental por ValeriaAD, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ValeriaAD mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Introduction
    1. What are the materials for language learning?
      1. How can the ideal material be?
        1. What does materials development mean?
          1. How important are the language – learning materials in the literature on applied linguistics?
          2. History of publications on materials development
            1. How has been the notion of materials development during the different decades?
              1. 70's/80's, 80's/90's, 2000's, Currently
              2. Materials evaluation
                1. What kind of strategies exists for developing and selecting materials?
                  1. How should the ideal criteria be in order to evaluate and select the materials?
                    1. What is the real aim for analyzing materials?
                      1. What is the difference between evaluation and analysis of materials?
                        1. What principles and procedures of conducting evaluations focused the literature on materials evaluation?
                        2. Materials adaptation
                          1. How could a teacher adapt materials systematically or intuitively?
                            1. What are the approaches to adaptation of materials proposed in the literature?
                              1. What considerations could help teachers in order to make decisions in the adaptation of materials?
                              2. Materials production
                                1. What elements should be considered by teachers in relation to write materials?
                                  1. What are the differences between experts and novice in the writing of materials?
                                    1. What principles prior to writing are there?
                                      1. What implications have the application of theoretical principles of language acquisition to the practice of materials development?
                                        1. How can teachers develop an effective material?
                                        2. Materials exploitation
                                          1. How to make effective use of materials?
                                            1. How do teachers use their materials?
                                              1. What do elements influence in the management of materials?
                                              2. Issues in materials development
                                                1. What aspects do teachers and students have to keep in mind for publishing their own materials?
                                                  1. What aspects do teachers and students have to keep in mind for publishing their own materials?
                                                    1. What are the authentic texts and tasks in language learning?
                                                      1. How should the topics considered as taboo be handled in the design of materials?
                                                        1. Why is important the humanistic approach in language learning materials ?
                                                          1. Do the language learning materials reflect the process of globalization?
                                                            1. What is the function of technologies in language-learning materials? How should teachers implement it as a resource?
                                                            2. Materials development projects
                                                              1. What innovations have been suggested in materials development?
                                                              2. Research in materials development


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