A viral infection


Mapa Mental sobre A viral infection, criado por Salma Mk em 18-11-2016.
Salma Mk
Mapa Mental por Salma Mk, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Salma Mk
Criado por Salma Mk mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

A viral infection
  1. HIV
    1. Structure
      1. retrovirus
      2. stages
        1. primary infection
          1. 1 to 3 months
            1. includes window period
              1. period between infection and production of antibodies
                1. 4 to 8 weeks
              2. highly infectious person
                1. HIV RNA copies are very high, CD4 count is low
                2. CD4 count 800-1500/ml
                3. clinical latency
                  1. CD4 count increases, HIV RNA copies decrease
                    1. 8 to 10 years
                      1. asymtpomatic period
                      2. AIDS
                        1. 2 to 3 years
                          1. CD4 count less than 200/ml
                          2. immune system weakens
                            1. prone to opportunistic infections and malignancies
                              1. kaposi sarcoma
                                1. Tuberculosis
                                  1. meningitis
                                    1. candidiasis
                              2. modes of transmission
                                1. Sexually
                                  1. most common
                                  2. parentrally
                                    1. unsafe blood
                                      1. drug addicts
                                      2. mother to child (vertical transmission)
                                        1. in utero
                                          1. during birth
                                            1. breast milk
                                            2. prevention
                                              1. health education
                                                1. safe sex
                                                  1. sterilised needles
                                                    1. ART for pregnant HIV+ women
                                                      1. screening of organs and blood donors
                                                    2. investigations
                                                      1. test for
                                                        1. viral infection
                                                          1. viral load
                                                            1. PCR test
                                                              1. quantitation of viral load
                                                                1. positive in first 10 days
                                                              2. p24 antigen
                                                                1. useful for window period
                                                              3. immune response
                                                                1. immunoglobulins
                                                                  1. cellular response
                                                                2. 2 steps
                                                                  1. confirmatory tests
                                                                    1. western blot
                                                                      1. immunofluorescense
                                                                      2. screening tests
                                                                        1. ELISA
                                                                          1. latex agglutination
                                                                      3. management and follow up
                                                                        1. antiretroviral therapy
                                                                          1. protease inhibitor
                                                                            1. inhibits action of HIV aspartyl protease
                                                                            2. entry/fusion inhibitor
                                                                              1. inhibits fusion and entry of virus to target host cell
                                                                              2. reverse transcriptase inhibitor
                                                                                1. NRTIs
                                                                                  1. NNRTIs
                                                                                    1. inhibits formation of DNA from Viral RNA
                                                                                    2. integrase inhibitor
                                                                                      1. inhibits integration of viral cDNA to host DNA
                                                                                    3. follow up
                                                                                      1. virologic failure
                                                                                        1. therapeutic drug monitoring
                                                                                          1. cd4 cell recovery and persistent inflammation
                                                                                        2. stages of grief
                                                                                          1. denial
                                                                                            1. anger
                                                                                              1. bargaining
                                                                                                1. depression
                                                                                                  1. acceptance


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                                                                                          Lei 8666
                                                                                          Rômulo Campos
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                                                                                          METODOLOGIA E PRÁTICA DE ALFABETIZAÇÃO E LETRAMENTO
                                                                                          Cinética Química
                                                                                          GoConqr suporte .
                                                                                          Sistemas do Corpo Humano
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                                                                                          Fabrinne Nery