Tossed is a salad bar business, offering healthy snacks to city workers


Mapa Mental sobre Tossed is a salad bar business, offering healthy snacks to city workers, criado por Amir Mansurov em 05-12-2016.
Amir Mansurov
Mapa Mental por Amir Mansurov, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Amir Mansurov
Criado por Amir Mansurov mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Tossed is a salad bar business, offering healthy snacks to city workers
  1. profit and loss
    1. gross pro0fit
      1. used spreadsheet software
        1. direct cost
          1. food and packeging
        2. break even
          1. analysis per store
            1. cost
              1. sales
            2. cashflow
              1. based on
                1. asumptions
                  1. prediction
                  2. used spreadsheet software
                  3. balance sheet
                    1. snapshot of financial health of the business
                      1. liabilities
                        1. what the company owes
                        2. assets
                          1. what the company owns
                        3. sources of finance
                          1. HP
                            1. Bank
                              1. private investors
                                1. family and friends
                              2. other ICT used
                                1. online ordering
                                  1. mobile phone app


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