Todorovs Narrative Structure in Maroon 5


Mapa Mental sobre Todorovs Narrative Structure in Maroon 5, criado por Latymer Media2015 em 11-01-2017.
Latymer Media2015
Mapa Mental por Latymer Media2015, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Latymer Media2015
Criado por Latymer Media2015 mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Todorovs Narrative Structure in Maroon 5
  1. Equlibrium
      1. The video starts with the main male singer shown happily with his young female partner.
    1. Disruption
        1. The audience then sees the girls mum being abused by her husband.
      1. New Equlibrium
          1. The video ends with the main singer ending up with the mother as he is comforting her.


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