Integrating Technology into TESOL classrooms


Mapa Mental sobre Integrating Technology into TESOL classrooms, criado por Sarah Ali em 14-04-2014.
Sarah Ali
Mapa Mental por Sarah Ali, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sarah Ali
Criado por Sarah Ali aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Integrating Technology into TESOL classrooms
  1. ARTICLE 1: Effect of Technology on the motivation in EFL Classrooms
      1. The aim of the study was to adapt technology into classrooms to motivate EFL students in the language learning
          1. • A vast amount of data including facts and figures. • The students were randomly chosen from Social Sciences and Natural Sciences • Both male and female • No face to face interview or observation • No evidence of different statistical tools
        2. ARTICLE 2: A Study on the Usefulness of Audio-Visual Aids in EFL Classroom: Implications for Effective Instruction
          1. (CASE STUDY + MIXED METHOD)
            1. The aim was to find the use of audio/video as a resource alongside the required textbook for EFL undergraduate students in Aljouf University in Saudi Arabia; it also explores the student’s attitude towards the technological tools integrating with classroom
              1. STRENGTH & WEAKNESSES
                1. • Open ended and close ended questions • Students were given an explanation about the questions of the survey • Did not relate the effect of the use of visual aids in support of learning English language within other settings • No face to face interviews or observation with the students, only the principals and board of trustees
              2. ARTCILE 3: Exploring Attitudes of Teachers and Students to the Integration of Technology in EFL Classrooms
                1. (CASE STUDY + MIXED METHOD)
                  1. The article was conducted for high school teacher to find out the ‘teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards technology integration in the EFL classroom
                    1. STRENGTH & WEAKNESSES
                      1. • A vast amount of data • Survey and open ended questions • Face to face interviews and observations used • Only uses male subjects • Not many researches about the similar topic in the region for the research to be compared with • Only one technology high school • The numbers of the teachers interviewed and the number of students used were limited.


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