Curriculum design


Mapa Mental sobre Curriculum design, criado por Viviana Marcela Mora Osorio em 25-02-2017.
Viviana Marcela  Mora Osorio
Mapa Mental por Viviana Marcela Mora Osorio, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Viviana Marcela  Mora Osorio
Criado por Viviana Marcela Mora Osorio aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Curriculum design
  1. How to programme a class?
    1. Questions
      1. Whom am I going to teach?
        1. what am I going to teach?
          1. How and with that I am going to do it?
            1. What is the purpose of the education
      2. Take into account
        1. Students
          1. Ages
            1. Gender
              1. Cognitive development
                1. Context
                  1. Familiar condiction
          2. School
            1. I. P
              1. Mission
                1. Rules
                  1. Handling disciplinary
            2. Way to work
              1. Topics
                1. Subtopics
                  1. Didactic resources
                    1. Library
                      1. Assessment
          3. Curriculum
            1. César Coll 1994
              1. Questions
                1. What to teach?
                  1. When to teach?
                    1. How to teach?
                      1. What, how and when to assessment?
              2. Pedagogical models
                1. Traditional school
                  1. Active school
                    1. Constructivist


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