Samuel Beckett


Mapa Mental sobre Samuel Beckett, criado por Polina Strich em 09-05-2014.
Polina Strich
Mapa Mental por Polina Strich, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Polina Strich
Criado por Polina Strich quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Samuel Beckett
  1. 1906: Born in Dublin (happy childhood)
    1. Modern Language @ Trinity College
      1. 1928: moves to Paris where he worked at a school
        1. There he met Joyce and wrote a book about Marcel Proust
          1. Abbandoned University and started to travel through Europe
            1. Durinh WW2 was forced to flee with his French wife
              1. Became french citizen
                1. After the end of the WW2 went back to Ireland to see her mother but then returned to France
                  1. 1953: "Waiting fot Godot" is performed in Paris = extraordinary success
                    1. 1969: Nobel Prize for Literature awarded
                      1. 1989: Died
                        1. DRAMATIST OF THE ABSURD
                          1. however differed from other representatives of the genre
                            1. while Ionesco's plays are dfined as laughable and irrational, ridiculation od the middle class and absurd = surreal
                              1. Bcekett's plays are more philosophical, tragic at times. Nothing incredible happens. He focuses on the human being (detaching any political circumstances)
                                1. new kind of drama
                              2. human condition after post-war years
                                1. THEMES
                                  1. man's attempt to give life a meaning
                                    1. monotony of life given by the repetition of the same word
                                    2. purpose to existence
                                      1. isolation of the individual
                                        1. gulf between our inner self and language (express our desires...)
                                        2. NO PLOT, CHARACTERISATION AND FINAL DENOUEMENT
                                          1. CHARACTERS = SYMBOLS OF THE HUMAN CONDITION
                                            1. marked by loneliness and lack of communication
                                              1. NO HOPE
                                                1. even if they attempt to change their condition
                                              2. LANGUAGE AND STYLE
                                                1. major works in French
                                                  1. deliberately simple
                                                    1. short sentences
                                                    2. everyday speech
                                                      1. basic and concrete
                                                        1. hidden meanings, allusions and symbols
                                                          1. illogical and absurd world
                                                        2. PRCISE STAGE DIRECTION
                                                          1. guide to every small gesture, expressions and body languag
                                                            1. fills much of the script to his works
                                                          2. HUMOUR AND COMIC
                                                          3. Waiting for Godot
                                                            1. protagonists: Vladimir and Estragon
                                                              1. trapped: don't know how to make time pass
                                                              2. Godot
                                                                1. enigmatic figure they have never met before, don't know if he will come, don't know he looks like but they are waiting for him/it
                                                                  1. promising message from Godot
                                                                    1. "Can't come tonight, but definitly will come tomorrow"
                                                                  2. Who is? Nobody knows
                                                                    1. different interpretations
                                                                      1. God
                                                                        1. Charlie Chaplin = Charlot
                                                                          1. answer to all our questions
                                                                            1. symbol of death
                                                                        2. V. and E.(desperate) try to hang themselves, but don't have enough energy
                                                                          1. childish games = contribute to sense of light-heartedness
                                                                            1. past and memories = confused / future = doesn't exist
                                                                            2. no real conclusion


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