The Long Song


undergraduate Literary Prizes Mapa Mental sobre The Long Song, criado por xkathryn_ellisx em 13-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por xkathryn_ellisx, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por xkathryn_ellisx aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Long Song
  1. Antebellum
    1. Slave narrative
      1. Depictions of American slaves
        1. The unheard voice
        2. Shows the end of slavery in Southern America
          1. Struggles surrounding
            1. Pivotal historical event
          2. Setting
            1. Plantation
              1. Hundreds of slaves kept
                1. Seen as property
                  1. Lack of humanity: dehumanized
                    1. Seen when July's mother is pregnant, and her owner hits her
                2. Reflects on the act of witnessing in historical accounts
              2. Identity
                1. What it is to be a slave
                  1. First person narrative: perspective of a slave
                  2. What it is to be a Black Woman
                    1. Struggles and torments of life
                  3. Death
                    1. A lot of death in the text
                      1. Highlights how the slaves weren't seen as humans to their owners; recycled
                        1. Life in July; death in her mother


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