Cell Division and DNA


Science Mapa Mental sobre Cell Division and DNA, criado por miss_asiann2798 em 17-05-2014.
Mapa Mental por miss_asiann2798, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por miss_asiann2798 quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Cell Division and DNA
  1. Cell Structure and Functions
    1. Unicelllular - One celled
      1. Multicellular= More than 1 cell
        1. Nucleus - Control centre. Contains DNA. Reproduces cells
          1. Cell Membrane - boundary around cell. control exit and entry of substance
            1. Cytoplams - all contents in cell except nuclueus
              1. Ribosomes - small organelles, make proteins or structures
                1. Chloroplasts - contains chlorophyll, pigment to convert sun into food photosythesis
                  1. Vacuole - Sacs to store nutrients, waste products and food
                    1. Cell wall - tough outer to make plant stronger
                    2. Genetic Infomation
                      1. DNA located in nucleus
                        1. Genetic info stored in chemical -DNA
                          1. Deoxyribonucleic Acid
                            1. Shaped in a double helix
                              1. nucleotides -subuntils of DNA
                                1. Adenine
                                  1. Guanine
                                    1. Cytosine
                                      1. Thymine
                                        1. Sugar and phosphate backbone
                                          1. Nitrogen bond
                                        2. Genes Chromosones and DNA
                                          1. Gene - Unit of inhertence
                                            1. sequence of nucleotides is a chemical code
                                              1. DNA molecule = a gene
                                                1. Thousands of genes wrapped up to make thread like structure - chromosone
                                                  1. Come in 23 pairs with 22 the same and 23rd determines boy or girl
                                                  2. DNA Repilcation
                                                    1. Mitosis - division of cell into 2 to reproduce cells
                                                      1. copying of genetic infomation - DNA replication
                                                        1. Daughter cells may have different genetic code if error happpens
                                                          1. mutation- accidental changes to DNA or CHROMOSONE
                                                            1. Mutation in body - cause death of one cell or may become cancerous
                                                              1. in a gamate may kill egg or sperm or embryo
                                                              2. Cell theory
                                                                1. All living things are made out of cells
                                                                  1. Cells are the basic units or building blocks of life
                                                                    1. Are cells that come from other cells
                                                                    2. Functions of life
                                                                      1. To grow
                                                                        1. To reproduce
                                                                          1. Take in substances from their surroundings and assimilate
                                                                            1. respond
                                                                              1. excrete wast
                                                                                1. extract energy form food
                                                                                2. Types of cells
                                                                                  1. Cell>Tissue>organ>organ system


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