The Flute,made by Fátima


Mapa Mental sobre The Flute,made by Fátima, criado por fatimaflorescasa em 18-05-2014.
Mapa Mental por fatimaflorescasa, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por fatimaflorescasa quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Flute,made by Fátima
  1. It belongs to the woodwind family
    1. It is the highest instrument in the orchestra
      1. It is made of platinum, gold, or even wood
        1. It is used in several types of groups, like bands or orchestras
          1. It is hold in horizontally
            1. The flute produces a sound that is light, clear and penetrating on its highest notes
              1. The flute there are eight holes
                1. Other types of flutes are:
                  1. The alto flute
                    1. The bass flute
                    2. The body is a long cylinder
                      1. Is divided into three sections
                        1. It has got the headjoint, the body and the foot joint


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