Rather usage 2


Mapa Mental sobre Rather usage 2, criado por blanca gonzález em 17-05-2017.
blanca gonzález
Mapa Mental por blanca gonzález, atualizado more than 1 year ago
blanca gonzález
Criado por blanca gonzález quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Rather usage 2
  1. Rather a with a noun is more common in formal language than in informal language, particularly in writing:
    1. It was rather a surprise to find them in the house before me.
    2. We often use rather with a lot to refer to large amounts and quantities:
      1. It cost me rather a lot of money. You’ve given me rather a lot.
        1. We also use rather a lot to mean ‘often’
          1. They went there rather a lot. You’ll be seeing rather a lot of me over the next few weeks.
        2. We use rather with more and less + an adjective or adverb in formal writing to make a comparison with something:
          1. Now that she saw Rupert again, he was rather less interesting and a little older than she had remembered him.
          2. We use rather with like to refer to similarities. We use rather like to mean ‘quite similar to’:
            1. They were small animals, rather like rats. I was in the middle. I felt rather like a referee at a football match trying to be fair and keep the sides apart.


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