How to have better health


hay que llevar una dieta balanceada, y no sobre pasar los tiempos en que se ingiere comida
Transito Cano
Mapa Mental por Transito Cano, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Transito Cano
Criado por Transito Cano quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

How to have better health
  1. schools have a bad eating habit
    1. There sell alot of junk food
      1. boys and girls from the pascual M.Hdz are getting sick
        1. at home children dont,eat vegetables and drink water
          1. bring a dietician to expose the consecuences and benefis in eating right
            1. get the parents involve and help to create an atmosphere of trust and respect
              1. learn how to cook healty
                1. stop selling junk food at school
                  1. create the habit of drink natural water
                    1. monitor the results and take further actions


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