Social learning theory of aggression AO1


Mapa Mental sobre Social learning theory of aggression AO1, criado por theabibby em 02-06-2014.
Mapa Mental por theabibby, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por theabibby quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Social learning theory of aggression AO1
  1. Suggested by Bandura et al
    1. Aggression is a learnt behavior
      1. may be learnt through indirect reinforcement or indirect reinforcement
        1. or through vicarious learning in which a child imitates the behavior of a role model
          1. a role model is someone that the child can identify with
            1. when the behavior has been observed, the child mentally represents the behavior including the likely consequences
              1. If the adult was rewarded for their aggressive behavior, a child may chose to imitate it at the appropriate time due to the associated rewards
                1. Process of learning has been suggested to be split into 4:
                  1. 1-Attention as individuals attend to significant features of behavior
                    1. 2-Retention: the individual then encodes this behavior so it stays in long term memory
                      1. 3-Motor reproduction: the person must have the physical capabilities to imitate behavior
                        1. 4-Motivation: The person must be motivated to do this behavior as they will only likely imitate aggression if they expect a reward
                          1. Bandura still said that you could have a genetic predisposition to aggression making aggression more likely, but to actually carry it out aggression must first be learnt


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