

Notas sobre Untitled, criado por jatniel.c em 15-11-2013.
Notas por jatniel.c, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jatniel.c mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

Chapter VII   ·         The Election of 1800 was coming and the people did not like Samuel Adams or Thomas Jefferson as leaders, Jefferson was against the state support of religion in Virginia and seem like the mage of “free thinking”, parties change laws to favor other candidates. (212, II) ·      ·         Arch-Federalist Alexander Hamilton does not like Jefferson (212, IV) ·         The election of 1800  showed that popularly elected governments could be changed in an orderly way, even in times of bitter partisan conflict, *The American republican experiment has survived* (212 V) The Westward Movement and the Jeffersonian Revolution ·         *Between 1790 & 1810, farm families settled as much land as they had during the colonial period* (212 VI) ·         In the Treaty of Paris, Great Britain left the Indian Nations at the Mercy of the new U.S. Many white Americans wanted to destroy everything of the natives and the influence the Indians into Euro-American society to become citizens. (212 VII) ·         The U.S government asserted sovereignty over and ownership of the trans-Appalachian West, where Britain defeated ally-tribes laid, bursting conflicts *New York land speculators used liquor and bribes to take a million more acres of Iroquois Land.* (213 I) ·         American negotiators deal with Indians persuading them to sign treaties giving away the lands of Ohio. Confrontation of Miami, Shawnee, and Potawatomi tribes attacked expeditionary forces.(213 II) ·         Fearing an alliance between the Western Confederency and the British in Canada, Washington DOUBLES U.S army and ordered a new expedition. (213 III)   Treaties Western Confederecy: Native alliances between Chippewas, Delawares, Ottawas, Wyandots, Shawnee, Miami, and Potawatomi. Treaty of Greenville: American negotiators acknowledge Indian ownership of the land. In return for various payments, the Western Confederacy ceded most of Ohio. Indian people agreed to accept American sovereignty placing themselves under the protection of U.S Jay’s Treaty: reduce British trade and military aid to Natives in the trans-Appalachian region   ·         The Treaty of Greenville sparked a waved of immigration since permanent peace was made with the Natives in the region. Massive immigrations cause Indian disputes over land and hunting. ·         U.S government encourages Native Americans to assimilate into white society. Most Natives remained in their ways. ·         Traditionalists Natives condemned European culture, while some tribes mixed Christianity with their beliefs ·         Missionaries try to turn Native warriors into farmers

   Thanks to the: low federalist turn out in Virginia and Pennsylvania, and the 3/5 rule, Jefferson win over Adams in the electoral college. *In case of a tie vote, the house of representatives would choose between the candidates* (212, III)

Arch-Federalist Alexander Hamilton does not like Jefferson (212, IV)

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