From Slavery to Segregation - created from Mind Map


Notas sobre From Slavery to Segregation - created from Mind Map, criado por Rebecca Bobby em 25-01-2014.
Rebecca Bobby
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Rebecca Bobby
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Rebecca Bobby
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Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

Jim Crow Laws 1890-1910 Segregation in education Segregation in healthcare Segregation in transport Segregation in public facilities such as restaurants, cinemas, toilets, drinking fountains, bus stations

The Segregated Heart Not legal but attitude of mind Governed behaviour such as how people stood, sat, ate, walked and made eye contact Racial etiquette such as addressing white people as "Mr" and "Mrs" as they were taught that whites were superior

Voting Rights Southern states found ways to disenfranchise (remove someone's right to vote) Impossible literacy tests 'Grandfather clause' meant that only black people who's grandfathers voted were allowed to vote

From Slavery to Segregation

The 'Good Ol' Time Negro' Black people stereotyped They often worked domestically Blacks with higher aspirations were often denied employment by white people

The Klu Klux Klan (KKK) White supremacists lynched 115 in 1900 1915-1929 KKK seniors were judges, policemen and other local officials 1915 movie 'Birth of a Nation' portrayed the KKK as heroes to vulnerable white women

Challenging Segregation in Plessy vs Ferguson, 1896Homer Plessy was arrested for sitting in a white-only area of a railway train in Louisiana however The Supreme Court decided segregation was lawful due to 'separate but equal'

Meanwhile in the North . . . 1914-1918's 'Great Migration' saw 1000's of Southern blacks moving to the North for industrial work The economic boom of the 1920's saw 500,000 migrating from South to North  Pay was better however blacks still only earned 50% of the average white worker's salary Mid 1920's saw the start of black activists It was easier to vote in the North However, ghettoisation increased due to population increase.

A Divided Nation

From Slavery to Segregation

A Divided Nation


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