'What do you wish someone had told you - Paris île de France'


A-Level (Year 1) (Year 1) English Language and Literature (Paris Anthology) Note on 'What do you wish someone had told you - Paris île de France' Trip Advisor forum
Summer Pearce
Notas por Summer Pearce, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Summer Pearce
Criado por Summer Pearce quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1


This text is taken from the Paris forum on Trip Advisor, a message board where individuals can plan trips, place reviews and contribute to message board posts. This is a selection from a post on 'what do you wish someone had told you - Paris île de France'.Mode multimodal - written online response with features of spoken language e.g 'lol' informal, modern lexis e.g. 'wow' poor grammar e.g. speech marks incorrectly used unplanned and spontaneous (evident from grammatical and spelling errors, and the lack of structure Audience people going to Paris presumably adults who have never been to Paris Genre online response to a forum question lack of structure, grammatical errors as uninspected imperative verbs used - 'try the stinky cheeses', typical feature of advisory texts

Context of production and reception created to give forum poster advice and tips about going to Paris e.g. recommendation of museum passes perhaps written on a phone, to account for inaccurate typing comical reception; makes people laugh e.g. 'have you sign a clipboard or give you a ring... lol'

Simple adjectives 'little' 'cold' 'rude' 'warm' 'wonderful' 'stinky' feature of regular, conversational lexical choices shows lack of forethought and amateurism of writer - not a professional

Informal language Second person direct address personal pronoun 'you' used to address the reader - conversational 'Wow' being used as an exclamatory sentence 'handy' - informal, colloquial and chatty term 'lol' - abbreviations are not common in formal language contractions used, also uncommon in formal language

Grammatical and spelling mistakes spelling of 'museum' and 'probably' punctuation errors; double commas, unnecessary spacing confusion of 'its' and 'it's' shows text as spontaneous and written by an amateur author

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Representation of Paris and Parisians

The author is giving advice from their own experiences - 1st person protagonist Written as a personal narrative; used Trip Advisor before, refers to spatial deixis of 'here', taken a trip to Paris themselves - seems reliable Honest account; relies only on their POV; evaluative - 'worth the metro trip out' modal verbs used - 'may' shows possibility evaluative adjectives - 'tastiest', shows opinion doesn't follow Labov's six stages of story telling, but the elements are there


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