The Dark Knight Rises


AS Media work
Slides por anilsidhu5, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por anilsidhu5 mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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    Mise En Scene
    The first 30-40 seconds are spent establishing the scene for the audience. It is a airfield in South America by the look of things.The scene is set on a air plane that is in the process of being high jacked by Bane the Villain.The plane is liken a run down plane you would imagine illegal business is carried out with, which is the impression we get.The costumes vary depending on the significance of the character. Bane being the main character in the scene wears 'the Mask' which is sort of his trade mark. All of the other characters who are not as involved as Bane are seen in the background wearing Army suits or Mercenary all black suits. 

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    Diegetic - The beginning of the scene when the car drives over the bumpy terrain, you hear the vehicle shaking.  We also hear the Dialogue which is expected in a film.The aeroplane engine turbines make a loud fuzzy sound as they plough through the mountain range. Gunshots go off when the men are being threatened and shots are fired later onMetal Handcuffs break as Bane powers out of themTurbulence occurs as the bigger plane appears over the overSmashing glass as shots are fired Bane's Solid Punch on the CIA memberThe plane's metal sheets and wings breaking apartNon-Diegetic - We hear a orchestra playing fast Tempo and minor pitch followed by some slower major pieces We also hear the occasional Growl from Bane and his mask

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    In the opening scene we see two significant characters, One being the Masked Menace Bane, and the other the Doctor, who at this point we are not aware what his purpose is, but can tell he is of valuable use for Bane's plans later on.As we can see though Bane is a very dominant figure, both physically and mentally, and carries authority where ever he travels.
    Rubrica: : The low angle shot and weather behind gives the audience a sense of Bane being a dark powerful figure in the film

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    Camera Angles
    Establishing Shot - Airfield, waiting for the DoctorMid Shot - Men with bags over their head are taken out of                               vehicleHigh Angle/ Tracking - Plane flying past the mountainHigh Angle - First mercenary being stuck out of plane Low Angle -  Level with Bane on his kneesOver the Shoulder - CIA agent takes the bag off of Bane's HeadClose Up - Bane revealed for the first timeHigh Angle/ Birds eye - Big plane enters the sceneLow Angle - Bane still on his knees talking about the Doctor                       Big plane loading door opens                       Bane stands up showing his powerful presenceLong Shot - Small plane tilting under the big planes controlLow Angle - Bane using the seats to lower himself to the Doctor2 Shot -  Bane using the needle to take blood form the DoctorLow Angle - Plane flies off with Bane and the Doctor


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