Taleem Quran English Quiz 95


Taleem Quran English by Sister Taimiyyah Zubair
TQ English Quiz
Quiz by TQ English Quiz, updated more than 1 year ago
TQ English Quiz
Created by TQ English Quiz almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

When a person is in a state where he is suffering, then what is the test : that is he being grateful, is he remembering Allah, is he doing what he should do
  • True
  • False

Question 2

Mithaaq means a covenat – is derived from the word wathaq which is used for a rope, meaning when a person is tied up.
  • True
  • False

Question 3

What is the meaning and the root word of الۡاَلۡبَابِ ?
  • ل ب ب - inner most part of something.
  • ل ئ ب - inner most part of something.
  • ل ؤ ب - inner most part of something.

Question 4

What is the meaning and the root word of تَكۡتُمُونَهُ?
  • ك ت م - katam – to conceal.
  • ت ك م - katam – to conceal.
  • ك م ت - katam – to conceal.

Question 5

What does Allah tell us in ayah 3:186?
  • That you will hear a lot of hurtful things from people
  • That you will definitely be tested
  • That you will definitely not be tested
  • That you will gain lot of love from people

Question 6

In the quran it is mentioned – indeed your wealth and your children are a test – Why?
  • Because it is very easy to forget Allah, to forget other people, to become selfish when it comes to these two possessions. We negligent of our duty towards Allah and towards other people.
  • Because it is difficult to forget Allah, to forget other people, to become selfish when it comes to these two possessions. We never negligent of our duty towards Allah and towards other people.
  • Because it is fine to forget Allah, to forget other people, to become selfish when it comes to these two possessions. We compulsory of our duty towards Allah and towards other people.

Question 7

What will you clarify and not conceal to the people?
  • The scripture that has been given to you.
  • The prophet that has been given to you.
  • The world that has been given to you.
  • The jinn that has been given to you.

Question 8

2 kinds of intellect :Which is [blank_start]natural and acquired - through learning[blank_end]
  • natural and acquired - through learning
  • honesty and being helpful
  • dishonesty and selfishness
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