Taleem ul Quran English Quiz week 115


Taleem Quran English by Sis Taimiyyah Zubair
TQ English Quiz
Quiz by TQ English Quiz, updated more than 1 year ago
TQ English Quiz
Created by TQ English Quiz over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

The key is in obeying Allah and following what He has legislated through the words of His honorable Messengers.
  • True
  • False

Question 2

The Ruling Concerning Female orphans is mentioned in ayah 123.
  • True
  • False

Question 3

What is the root word and meaning of الشُّحَّ‌ ?
  • ش ح ح ‌ - the greed / stinginess
  • ش ف ح ‌ - the greed / stinginess
  • ش ح و ‌ - the greed / stinginess

Question 4

What is the root word and meaning of وَالۡمُسۡتَضۡعَفِيۡنَ ?
  • ض ع ف - - and those who are made weak
  • ض ع و - - and those who are made weak
  • ض و ف - - and those who are made weak

Question 5

who is a wise person?
  • The one submits to Allah like Ibraheem aalyhi sallam. The one who obeys Allah but doesnt stays away from sinful things and bad deeds.
  • The one who does not submits to Allah. The one who obeys Allah. the one who stays away from sinful things and bad deeds.
  • The one submits to Allah like Ibraheem aalyhi sallam. The one who obeys Allah. the one who stays away from sinful things and bad deeds.

Question 6

What instruction are carried in Ayah 128-130?
  • Ayaat 128 – 130 carry instructions about the painful and hard part of married life which is faced by every married couple during one or the other stage of their long association. This is mutual displeasure and tension, which, if allowed to prevail without being checked through proper control, does not only result in severe problems for the couple but also, at times, carries the evil effects to families and tribes involving them in all sorts of mutual confrontation and even fighting and killing.
  • Ayaat 128 – 130 carry indication that the religion is not accepted on account of wishful thinking or mere hopes. Rather, the accepted religion relies on what resides in the heart and which is made truthful through actions. It is not true that when one utters a claim to something, he attains it merely on account of his claim. It is not true that every person who claims to be on the truth is considered as such, merely on account of his words, until his claim gains merit with proof from Allah.
  • Ayaat 128 – 130 he recompense for evil actions and stated that He will surely inflict its punishment on the servant, either in this life, which is better for him, or in the Hereafter, we seek refuge with Allah from this end. We also beg Allah for our well-being in this life and the Hereafter and for His forgiveness, mercy and pardon.

Question 7

Reconciliation is best means better than [blank_start]divorce[blank_end].
  • divorce
  • marriage
  • staying together

Question 8

What Allah SWT encourages us by his statement وَمَا تَفْعَلُواْ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ بِهِ عَلِيماً “And whatever good you do, then indeed, Allah is All-Knowing of it.”?
  • Encourages performing the good deeds and fulfilling the commandments, and states that Allah is knowledgeable of all of this and He will reward for it in the best and most perfect manner. In sha Allah.
  • Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala makes it clear reality is not based on your wishful thoughts whether it’s a Muslim or a non-Muslim. This ayah serves as a warning for the people who think they will be forgiven or will enter Jannah even if they continue sinning just because they are Muslims. Such people are deluded by false hopes. Whoever would do an evil deed will be compensated accordingly. The key is in obeying Allah and following what He has legislated through the words of His honorable Messengers.
  • Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala then mentions His kindness, generosity and mercy in accepting the good deeds from His servants, whether male or female, with the condition that they embrace the faith. He also stated that He will admit the believers into Paradise and will not withhold any of their righteous deeds, even the weight of a Naqeer – speck on the back of a date-stone. Earlier, we discussed the Fatil – the scalish thread in the long slit of a date-stone, and both of these, along with the Qitmir — the thin membrane over the date-stone were mentioned in the Qur’an.
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