Quick Reading Assessment Child (Brain) Development Quiz


Quiz on Quick Reading Assessment Child (Brain) Development Quiz, created by Saddleback ARC on 26/09/2018.
Saddleback ARC
Quiz by Saddleback ARC, updated more than 1 year ago
Saddleback ARC
Created by Saddleback ARC over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Why does the article say that rapid weight gain in children’s brains after birth is not attributable to new neurons?
  • Neurons grow, but mostly are later pruned off
  • New neurons do not grow after birth, it is myelination of neurons and synaptic growth
  • The brain doesn’t actually grow that much after birth
  • Scientists can track the weight gain along with water consumption

Question 2

Neural plasticity refers to:
  • The idea that brains need structure to hang neurons’ connections
  • The idea that brains need calm in order to create new pathways
  • The idea that you have to use it or lose it, with regard to connections and pathways
  • The idea that flexibility is dependent on neurons working with motor skills

Question 3

What did Rosenzweig’s experiments with rats in enriched and deprived environments suggest about brain development?
  • Environment really has nothing to do with brain growth or complexity
  • Enriched environments cause brains to atrophy from not having to work for anything
  • Deprived environments cause brains not to grow as well as enriched environments
  • Deprived environments cause brains to grow more rapidly to create solutions in challenging circumstances

Question 4

Which of these would NOT be an example of neural plasticity?
  • Taxi drivers developing more complex mental maps of areas they frequent than normal people who just live in the same area
  • Deaf dogs disliking chewing on pigs’ ear chews from pet stores
  • Songbirds who store their food having greater special awareness of their local area
  • Conductors being better able to locate and separate adjacent sound sources than non-musicians

Question 5

According to the article, children are born with the ability to hear all phonemes produced by any language. Why do they lose that more universal language ability over time?
  • Pathways that are used regularly are strengthened, while those that are not will atrophy
  • It is psychologically important for humans to identify with only one culture or language
  • Societies frown on children who cannot speak the native language without an accent
  • New neurons appear in the brain that divert the attention of the brain
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