Vet 302 Radiography Chapter Three


Quiz on Vet 302 Radiography Chapter Three, created by Kelly Kinsinger on 17/11/2018.
Kelly Kinsinger
Quiz by Kelly Kinsinger, updated more than 1 year ago
Kelly Kinsinger
Created by Kelly Kinsinger almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

The ALARA principle is an anagram for:
  • As low as reasonably achievable
  • As little as roughly acceptable
  • As little as realistically acceptable
  • As less as reasonably achievable

Question 2

Secondary or scattered radiation:
  • Occurs between the x-ray tube and the patient
  • Occurs after the primary beam has left the film
  • Is the radiation from which the health care workers require protection
  • When the x-ray photons leave the x-ray tube and travel through the filter

Question 3

  • Lead to problems with the imaging systems.
  • Can cause electric malfunctions when absorbed.
  • Are absorbed by the patient’s body.
  • Are the final beam affecting the x-ray film.

Question 4

Radioactivity occurs when:
  • The patient ingests a liquid during a radiography examination
  • The atom is unstable due to an imbalance of protons and neutrons
  • The secondary radiation affects solid objects within the room
  • The nucleus of one atom becomes unstable due to an imbalance of neutrons and protons

Question 5

Radioisotopes are used in:
  • Nuclear medicine studies
  • Radiographic imaging
  • Ultrasound examinations
  • Computed tomography

Question 6

Linear energy transfer defines:
  • The rate of travel of an atom when it produces radiation.
  • The amount of energy transferred during a radiograph.
  • The amount of energy imparted to the target of an x-ray unit.
  • High and low levels of energy of the patient during diagnosis.

Question 7

Scattered radiation is:
  • Increased with a decrease in kilovoltage.
  • Increased with a decrease in milliamperage.
  • Totally controlled by the filtration of the x-ray beam.
  • Increased by an increase in kilovoltage.

Question 8

Transmitted photons:
  • Travel through the body in a uniform pattern.
  • Are absorbed more in bones than they are in tissue.
  • Are emitted from the body as scattered radiation.
  • Carry an image of the tissue through which they have passed.

Question 9

Radiation protection to the individual is important:
  • Particularly during the time that a person may reproduce.
  • During all phases of the life of males and females.
  • Only to females of childbearing years.
  • During the years of 15 to 45 for males only.

Question 10

The fetus will be affected by radiation:
  • During the last trimester only if the mother is not protected.
  • Particularly during the first trimester (the 2nd to 10th weeks).
  • Only if the exposure is directed specifically at the mother.
  • Only during organogenesis and not after the second trimester.

Question 11

Three methods of protection are time, distance, and shielding:
  • Time measures the amount of exposure during the examination.
  • Distance is the measurement of radiation from the patient to the veterinarian.
  • Time is measured by the rate of motion within the patient.
  • Distance is the measurement of the x-ray source to the subject.

Question 12

The dose to the radiation worker increases:
  • If the worker does not limit the time of his/her exposure
  • If the worker does not monitor his/her movement in the room
  • If all the radiation is directed toward a wall instead of a patient
  • Once the barriers are in place and the radiation is turned on

Question 13

Shielding involves the use of barriers to protect against ionizing radiation:
  • Examples of shields are water, air, silver, and concrete
  • Shields are barriers that are placed between the patient and the radiation
  • Shielding materials are referenced to the thickness of lead
  • Leaded shields can be placed in walls and later removed

Question 14

Shielding of the imaging suite must be calculated:
  • And installed prior to the use of the equipment
  • Particularly if an ultrasound unit is to be installed
  • Only if the room is to be used on a daily basis
  • And approved by the facility administrator

Question 15

Leaded gowns must be worn:
  • Whenever the health care worker enters an imaging room.
  • Once the radiography unit is turned on or is left on.
  • By any health care worker who remains in an imaging room during radiography.
  • By all staff during the x-ray examination.

Question 16

The care of leaded aprons should include:
  • Hanging the aprons and folding them when they are not in use.
  • Cleaning the surfaces with strong solvents.
  • Laying the aprons on flat surfaces or on cupboard shelves.
  • Hanging them by the shoulders with no folds or creases.

Question 17

A patient should be restrained during a radiographic procedure:
  • To reduce the stress of the procedure
  • To protect it from high radiation doses
  • To encourage him/her to cooperate
  • To reduce the radiation exposure to health care workers

Question 18

Measurement of personal radiation is achieved using:
  • A dosimeter and a radiation detector
  • A dosimeter that is read on a regular basis
  • Dosimeters and timed measurements only during radiography examinations
  • A radiation monitor and a Geiger counter

Question 19

Radiation workers should be equipped with a personal dosimeter:
  • That should be worn at all times and stored at home
  • That should be stored in a location where it will not be exposed to radiation
  • That should be worn beneath the thyroid collar
  • That can be shared with other workers intermittently

Question 20

The personal dosimeter should be assigned to one individual:
  • If that person works in two locations, it can be worn in both
  • It must only be worn in one location and stored at that site
  • It should be worn at or near the wrist
  • It may be stored in the x-ray room close to the patients

Question 21

Visitors and service personnel in the x-ray room:
  • Should be advised to take precautions regarding radiation
  • Must not be allowed near a radiation source
  • Should be provided with personnel dosimeters
  • Should bring their own dosimeters and log their own doses

Question 22

Each facility that owns imaging equipment:
  • Is responsible for posting the results of the dosimetry readings.
  • Must train only the radiation workers in radiation protection.
  • Must take responsibility for only the radiation workers in the imaging area.
  • Must not allow health care workers to come into contact with x-rays.

Question 23

Rules of use for the dosimeter:
  • Are the same for non-radiation workers and radiation workers.
  • Are not strict as for non-radiation workers.
  • Only apply to workers in the radiography area.
  • Apply only to radiation workers in a health care facility.

Question 24

Dose limits apply specifically to:
  • Total radiation from any source and any event.
  • Irradiation that affects the worker under his/her leaded apron.
  • Include all radiation resulting from direct exposure.
  • Irradiation resulting from the worker’s occupation.

Question 25

The Occupational Health and Safety Act:
  • Specifies that only radiation workers are protected from occupational hazards.
  • Specifies that the employer is responsible for health care worker’ safety.
  • Delineates the workers’ responsibilities to each other regarding safety.
  • Suggests limits to safety regulations that were not covered previously.

Question 26

Under the law the employer:
  • Must appoint a safety officer who oversees safety and prepares written reports.
  • Should appoint a safety committee and allow for time spent on projects.
  • Should oversee the recommendations of each employee.
  • Must organize safety regulations and protocols.

Question 27

It is the employer’s responsibility to instruct employees of:
  • The risks of handling of all hazardous biological, physical, and chemical agents.
  • All threats to the radiation workers for later reference.
  • The handling, storage, and use of all potentially dangerous materials.
  • All workers who may come into contact with any dangerous situations.

Question 28

A medical monitoring program must be set up to:
  • Record the exposure of any worker to potentially dangerous situations.
  • Maintain records of exposure to any worker who is exposed to hazards.
  • Limit the exposure of workers to potentially dangerous materials.
  • Monitor the testing procedures to ensure the safety of the workers.

Question 29

According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the employer must:
  • Ensure that a consultant is in charge of all testing equipment.
  • Provide proper training for safety devices and monitoring for all employees.
  • Not inform workers of any potential danger in their workplace.
  • Ensure that all workers are consulted on a daily basis.

Question 30

Protective barriers are placed in specific areas of the workplace:
  • They may be removed and reassigned by the workers.
  • They may be sent to other areas as long as they are designated.
  • They must not be moved without written authority of the supervisor.
  • The supervisor must provide adequate temporary protection.

Question 31

When new or replacement equipment is installed in the workplace:
  • The new equipment must be approved by the supervisor.
  • Any replacement equipment must be in good working order.
  • Any new or used equipment must meet the standards outlined in the act.
  • Any used equipment must be accompanied by documentation.

Question 32

Hazardous physical agents must be accompanied by:
  • Good, clear, and basic instructions on their use.
  • Hazardous signage and antidote symbols.
  • Antidotes and protective devices.
  • The best instructions on preventing accidents.

Question 33

Notices regarding any hazardous physical agents:
  • Must be written in French and English, and demonstrate clarity of symbols.
  • Should describe the chemical symbols of the thing.
  • Should outline measures of protection.
  • Must be written in English and whatever appropriate languages are prescribed.

Question 34

The workplace health and safety committee should review:
  • And identify hazardous situations in the workplace and establish programs to ensure the safety of the workers.
  • Training of workers and operation of equipment annually.
  • Workers and their licenses and make appropriate recommendations.
  • Training semi-annually and make appropriate recommendations.

Question 35

The irradiation of an x-ray worker:
  • Shall not be permitted under any circumstances.
  • Shall be limited to the irradiation resulting directly from their occupation.
  • Must be permitted if medically necessary.
  • Must be documented within appropriate dose limits.

Question 36

All doses produced by an x-ray worker:
  • Must be as low as reasonably achievable.
  • May be in excess of allowable doses.
  • Should not exceed the dose of the previous year.
  • Should always be documented and reported.

Question 37

The personal dosimeter assigned to a health care worker:
  • Must be in compliance with any company specifications.
  • Must be read regularly and the results must be posted.
  • Is usually an indication that the health care worker will receive excess dose.
  • Is only an indication of exposure and will not necessarily be accurate.

Question 38

If a worker exceeds the allowable dose:
  • The employer must note the dose and monitor the worker’s activity.
  • The employer should report the dose and replace the dosimeter.
  • The employer shall investigate the cause and report his/her findings.
  • The worker must track the excess dose and reorganize his/her workload.

Question 39

Where an accidental overexposure to a worker takes place, the employer:
  • Shall immediately notify the Joint Health and Safety Commission.
  • Must notify the facility administrator and the radiation protection officer.
  • Shall notify the legal entity overseeing that country.
  • Shall contact the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Health.

Question 40

All employers are required by the act to:
  • Notify the health care workers of potential injury due to radiation overdose.
  • Notify the workers of their employment as an x-ray worker.
  • Inform the workers of the dose limits and their potential dose.
  • Inform the workers that all doses will be their own responsibility.

Question 41

Every health care worker who assists with an x-ray procedure:
  • Must be given instructions in writing to ensure compliance.
  • Must be provided with appropriate and correct protection.
  • May be given the leaded apron and gloves.
  • May not need protection if he or she is within 10 feet of the source.

Question 42

The competent person is assigned to:
  • Maintain correct records of health care workers and their exposure to radiation.
  • Maintain and monitor all equipment within the facility.
  • Organize the workers according to the amount of dose they receive.
  • Train the staff in the facility regarding radiation protection.

Question 43

The owner of the radiation-emitting device must:
  • Become the radiation protection officer.
  • Keep track of all the equipment in the facility.
  • Ensure that all radiation safety issues are addressed correctly.
  • Not assign the designated competent person duties to another individual.

Question 44

Standard patient exposure is measured in:
  • Roentgens.
  • RAD.
  • Curie.
  • REM.

Question 45

The science of health physics developed radiation protocols that:
  • Should be available in the patient waiting rooms.
  • Should be available to every staff member and updated biannually.
  • Should be compiled by the staff members.
  • State that time, distance, and shielding are the three cardinal rules for radiation protection.

Question 46

Inverse square law:
  • Concerns the intensity of the radiation from a source.
  • Concerns the use of binding energy calculations.
  • Is practical only with visible light.
  • Is useful only with high-energy photons.

Question 47

Linear energy transfer (LET) is:
  • The rate at which energy is transferred to the cell.
  • The transfer of genetic material to the nucleus.
  • The rate at which energy is deposited in matter.
  • The rate at which tissues react to the deposition of radiation.

Question 48

Latent periods may last as long as:
  • Minutes
  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Years

Question 49

The radiation primarily effects:
  • The critical target.
  • The water surrounding the cell.
  • The cytoplasm only.
  • The nucleus only.

Question 50

  • Increases with decreasing penetrability.
  • Increases with the increasing penetrability.
  • Decreases with the decreasing penetrability.
  • Decreases as the charge on the particle remains the same.

Question 51

Stochastic effects:
  • Are usually random in nature.
  • Increase function as dose decreases.
  • Decrease function as dose increases.
  • Are specific and exhibit a threshold dose.

Question 52

Patient exposure dose is measured in:
  • Milliroentgens
  • Grays
  • Rads
  • Rems

Question 53

RADs are used to measure:
  • Radiation dose to the skin.
  • Radiation absorbed dose.
  • Accumulated surface exposure.
  • Radiation amassed dose.

Question 54

The ALARA concept is used to protect:
  • The patient.
  • The veterinary staff.
  • The general public.
  • The technologist.

Question 55

The type of cell division that genetic cells undergo is:
  • Meiosis
  • Mitosis
  • Genome
  • Duplication

Question 56

Which of the following is most important in protecting a patient?
  • Low kVp, high mAs; 72"distance
  • High kVp, low mAs; 40" distance
  • Low kVp, low mAs; 20" distance
  • High kVp, low mAs; 72" distance

Question 57

Which of the following tissues are most radiosensitive?
  • Bone marrow in the arm
  • Muscle tissue in the leg
  • Tissue of the small intestine
  • Nervous tissue of the brain

Question 58

A technician receives a dose of 15 mR/hour at 2 feet from the source. How would that dose change if he doubled his distance from the source?
  • Increase by two times
  • Increase by four times
  • Decrease by two times
  • Decrease by four times
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