EECS 2030


Set of Final Question
Junaid Khan
Quiz by Junaid Khan, updated more than 1 year ago
Junaid Khan
Created by Junaid Khan over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Interfaces and Inheritance- What is an interface?
  • an abstract class
  • an abstract class that other classes may extend
  • a class
  • a class that other classes may extend
  • a declaration of an API

Question 2

Interfaces and Inheritance- Java supports single inheritance; what does the term single inheritance mean?
  • every class has exactly one parent class
  • every class has exactly one child class
  • every class implements exactly one interface
  • every class inherits from Object

Question 3

Interfaces and Inheritance- Consider the following classes related by inheritance: See Figure: pg 11 of 28 Question 27 Assuming A, B, and C all have public no-argument constructors, which of the following variable definitions are legal?
  • A a = new B();
  • B b = new A(); (*)
  • C c = new B(); (**)
  • C c = new A(); (***)
  • B (*)and C (**)
  • B(*) C(**) D(***)
  • None of the expression is legal

Question 4

Interfaces and Inheritance-Consider the following classes related by inheritance: Which of the following statements is the most accurate and complete regarding the class C?
  • C inherits all of the fields and methods from A
  • C inherits all of the fields and methods from B
  • C inherits all of the fields and methods from A and B 11/28 Q28
  • C inherits all of the fields and methods from A and B and may add its own fields and methods
  • C is made up of an A subobject
  • C is made up of an B subobject
  • C is made up of an A subobject and a B subobject

Question 5

12/28 Q29. Consider the following two classes related by inheritance: public class AdultCat { private int size; /* INVARIANT: this.size > 0 && this.size <= 10 */ public AdultCat(int size) { /* IMPLEMENTATION NOT SHOWN */ } /** * Sets the size of this cat to be equal to sz. If sz is greater than 10 * then the size of this cat is set to some value between 1 and 10. * * @param sz the desired size of this cat * @pre. sz is greater than 0 */ public void setSize(int sz) { /* IMPLEMENTATION NOT SHOWN */ } } public class Lion extends AdultCat { public Lion(int size) { /* MISSING STATEMENT */ } /** * Sets the size of this cat to be equal to sz. If sz is greater than 10 * then /* MISSING POSTCONDITION */ * * @param sz the desired size of this cat * @pre. /* MISSING PRECONDITION */ */ @Override public void setSize(int sz) { /* IMPLEMENTATION NOT SHOWN */ } } What can the line with the comment /* MISSING STATEMENT */ be replaced with in the Lion constructor?
  • super(size);
  • this(size);
  • this.setSize(size);
  • this.size = size;

Question 6

** REFER TO Q29. Interfaces and Inheritance - The precondition of the Lion version of setSize is incomplete (ends with /* MISSING PRECONDITION */); which of the following can be used to complete the precondition so that Lion is substitutable for AdultCat?
  • size is greater than 0 and less than 10
  • size is greater than 0 and less than 11
  • size is greater than 1
  • size is greater than -1
  • size is not equal to 0

Question 7

Interfaces and Inheritance- **REfere to Q29** Can the AdultCat constructor be safely implemented like so?: public AdultCat(int size) { this.setSize(size); }
  • no, the postcondition of setSize does not guarantee that the class invariant is true
  • no, setSize is not a final method
  • yes, setSize can be overridden by child classes
  • yes, using setSize minimizes code duplication

Question 8

Class Features-What is an obligatory method?
  • a method that can be invoked using any object reference.
  • a method that the client must invoke, such as a constructor.
  • a method that the implementer must override.
  • a method that the implementer must not override

Question 9

Class Features-What is a class invariant?
  • a condition that the method promises will be true immediately after the method finishes running
  • a condition that the method must check at the beginning of the method
  • a condition that the user (client) must ensure is true before calling the method
  • . a condition that is always true immediately after a constructor or method finishes running

Question 10

Class Features-Which statement is true for a static attribute (or field) of a class X?
  • The class X has one copy of the attribute for every x object.
  • The class X has the only copy of the attribute
  • Each X object has its own copy of the attribute
  • Only objects of classes that extend X have a copy of the attribute.

Question 11

Class Features- Suppose that an implementer creates a class that defines no constructors in the class body. Which one of the following statements is correct?
  • the class must be a utility class
  • the class does not compile.
  • the class compiles but is not useable.
  • the compiler adds a default (no-argument) constructor.

Question 12

Class Features- Which of the following is required for objects of a class to be considered immutable?
  • the class should be declared as final
  • the class should have no public mutators
  • all fields in the class should be private
  • class methods should not return references to class fields
  • all of the above
  • some of the above

Question 13

Class Features- The class MyBoolean has a single attribute named value of type boolean. Consider the following implementation of the equals method: public boolean equals(Object object) { boolean equals; if (object != null && this.getClass() == object.getClass()) { MyBoolean other = (MyBoolean) object; equals = this.value && other.value; } else { equals = false; } return equals; }
  • x.equals(y) returns true if and only if y.equals(x) returns true
  • x.equals(null) returns false
  • x.equals(x) returns true
  • if x.equals(y) returns true and y.equals(z) returns true, then x.equals(z) returns true.

Question 14

Class Feature- Consider the following code fragment: /** * This method does something * * @param i an integer * @pre. i>=0 */ public void method(int i) { /* method body not shown */ } Which of the following statements is correct?
  • In the method body, the implementer has to throw an exception when i is smaller than zero
  • In the method body, the implementer has to take the absolute value of i to ensure that its value is greater than or equal to zero.
  • In the method body, the implementer has to set i to zero whenever the value of i is smaller than zero
  • None of the above

Question 15

Class Features- What are the parts of a method signature?
  • method name and return type
  • method name and list of parameter types
  • method name, list of parameter types, and return type
  • method name, modifiers, list of parameter types, and return type

Question 16

Class Features- What is the difference between x.equals(y) and x == y for two references x and y?
  • x == y does not compile
  • equals compares equality of state and == compares equality of addresses
  • equals compares equality of addresses and == compares equality of state
  • there is no difference

Question 17

Class Features-What is true about the expression x.compareTo(y) if x is an instance of a type that implements the comparable interface?
  • x.compareTo(y) returns a postive integer if x is less than y
  • x.compareTo(y) returns a postive integer if x is equal to y
  • x.compareTo(y) returns a postive integer if x is greater than y
  • x.compareTo(y) must return 0 if x is equal to y

Question 18

Class Features- Consider the following class: public class A { public static int x = 0; public int y; public A() { this.y = 0; } } Suppose that you have a reference of type A: A a = new A();
  • a.x = 1;
  • a.y = 1
  • A.x = 1;
  • A.y = 1;

Question 19

Testing- What makes up a unit test for a method in Java?
  • arguments to the method and the expected result of running the method with the arguments
  • arguments to the method that do not satisfy the preconditions of the method
  • a program that prints out the result of running the method
  • a program that records the result of running the method

Question 20

Testing- What is the main purpose of testing?
  • to find errors in your code
  • to make sure that every line of code is necessary
  • to make sure that every line of code is run at least once
  • to prove that your code is correct

Question 21

Testing- Consider the following method that determines if a numeric grade is equivalent to a letter grade of A+: /** * Returns true if the specified grade is equivalent to a letter grade * of A+. A numeric grade greater than or equal to 90 is an A+. * * @param grade a numeric grade * @returns true if grade is equivalent to A+ and false otherwise * @pre. grade is less than or equal to 100 */ public static boolean isAPlus(int grade) { // IMPLEMENTATION NOT SHOWN } Which of the following values of grade would be considered as boundary cases for the method isAPlus?
  • 89
  • 90
  • 100
  • 101
  • all of the above
  • A and B
  • A, B, and C

Question 22

Testing - Consider the following class that represents a temperature in degrees Celcius or degrees Fahrenheit: public class Temperature { private double degrees; private String units; // INVARIANT: this.units is equal to "C" or "F" public Temperature() { this.degrees = 0.0; this.units = "C"; } /** * Changes the units of this temperature to the specified units * if the specified units is equal to "C" or "F", otherwise leaves * the current units of this temperature unchanged. * * @param the desired units of this temperature */ public void setUnits(String units) { if (units == "C" || units == "F") { this.units = units; } } public void getUnits() { return this.units; } } Consider the following unit test for setUnit: @Test public void test_setUnits() { String units = /* SEE TABLE BELOW */ String expected = /* SEE TABLE BELOW */ Temperature t = new Temperature(); t.setUnits(units); assertEquals(expected, t.getUnits()); } Test case units expected See test cases on pg 5/28 question 15 Which test case fails?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • all of the test cases fail
  • none of the test cases fail

Question 23

Testing - Consider the following class that represents a two-dimensional point having an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate. public class Point2 { private int x; private int y; public Point2(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { // implementation not shown } } equals is implemented using the guidelines discussed in class, and two points are considered equal if their x components are equal and their y components are equal. Consider the following unit test cases for equals: See table: question 16 pg 6/28
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • all of the choices should be used
  • none of the choices should be used

Question 24

Testing- Suppose that you want to compute the average of all of the values that are greater than 10 in a list x. You implement the following method: /** * Returns the average of all values greater than 10 in the list x. * * @param x a list * @return the average of all values greater than 10 in the list x * @pre. x.size() > 0 */ public static double avg(List<Double> x) { double avg = 0.0; int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) { double xi = x.get(i); if (xi > 10.0) { n = n + 1; avg = avg + xi; } } return avg / n; } After testing your code, you are convinced that it is correct and you give it to your friends to use in their project. A couple of weeks later, your friends tell you that they did poorly on their project because of your code. What went wrong?
  • you forgot to test the case where x has only negative values
  • you forgot to test the case where x has only one value
  • you forgot to test the case where x has only positive values
  • you forgot to test the case where x has values all greater than 10
  • you forgot to test the case where x has values all less than 10
  • you forgot to test the case where x has some values equal to 10

Question 25

Aggregation and composition- Consider the following class that represents a line segment connecting two points (its start point and its end point): public class LineSegment { private Point2 start; private Point2 end; public Line(Point2 p1, Point2 p2) { this.start = p1; this.end = p2; } } See the diagram
  • a
  • b
  • c
  • d

Question 26

Aggregation and composition- In the LineSegment class from the previous question(q18), the constructor contains the line: this.start = p1; Which choice below best completes the following statement: “this.start is for p1”
  • an alias
  • a shallow copy
  • a deep copy
  • a privacy leak
  • none of the aboe

Question 27

Aggregation and composition- When does a privacy leak occur?
  • when the client passes a reference to an object to a constructor or method
  • when an object returns the value of one of its primitive fields
  • when an object returns a reference to one of its immutable fields
  • when an object returns a reference to one of its mutable fields

Question 28

Aggregation and composition- Suppose that you want to make a shallow copy of a List<Widget> object where Widget is some class. What public feature does Widget need to provide for you to make a shallow copy of the list?
  • a constructor
  • a copy constructor
  • a method that returns a Widget that is equal to another Widget
  • an overridden equals(Object obj) method
  • none of the above

Question 29

Aggregation and composition- Consider the following class public class DeckOfCards { private Set<Card> cards; /* the only field in DeckOfCards */ public DeckOfCards() { /* IMPLEMENTATION NOT SHOWN but sets to be equal to standard deck of 52 playing cards */ } public DeckOfCards(DeckOfCards other) { = new HashSet<>(); for (Card card : {; } } public Set<Card> getCards() { /* IMPLEMENTATION NOT SHOWN but returns either: an alias to OR a new copy of */ } }
  • an alias for
  • a shallow copy of
  • a deep copy of
  • none of the above

Question 30

Aggregation and composition- Consider the following class that uses DeckOfCard from Question 22: public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { DeckOfCards deck = new DeckOfCards(); DeckOfCards copy = new DeckOfCards(deck); Set<Card> deckCards = deck.getCards(); Set<Card> copyCards = copy.getCards(); System.out.println(deckCards.equals(copyCards)); } }
  • false because deckCards contains different cards than copyCards
  • false because deckCards returns a reference to a different object than copyCards
  • true because deckCards contains the same cards as copyCards
  • true because deckCards returns a reference to the same object as copyCards

Question 31

Aggregation and composition- Consider the following class that uses DeckOfCard from Question 22: public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { DeckOfCards deck = new DeckOfCards(); Set<Card> deckCards = deck.getCards(); System.out.println(deckCards == deck.getCards()); } } Suppose that the program above prints true; what is the most likely statement regarding the method getCards?
  • any reasonable implementation of getCards will always cause the program to print true
  • getCards has a privacy leak
  • getCards returns a shallow copy of
  • it is impossible to implement getCards so that the program prints true

Question 32

Complexity and Recursion-In plain English, what is the meaning of a big-O complexity O(g(n))?
  • an estimate of best-case runtime operations of a method to solve a problem of size n
  • an estimate of the worst-case runtime operations of a method to solve a problem of size n
  • an estimate of the average runtime operations of a method to solve a problem of size n
  • an estimate of the best-case memory usage for a method to solve a problem of size n
  • an estimate of the worst-case memory usage for a method to solve a problem of size n
  • an estimate of the average memory usage for a method to solve a problem of size n

Question 33

Complexity and Recursion- If an algorithm has complexity O(n^2) then which of the following statements is the most correct?
  • doubling the size of the problem does not affect the amount of time needed for the algorithm to solve the problem
  • doubling the size of the problem doubles the amount of time needed for the algorithm to solve the problem
  • doubling the size of the problem increases the amount of time needed for the algorithm to solve the problem by 1 unit of time
  • doubling the size of the problem quadruples the amount of time needed for the algorithm to solve the problem

Question 34

Complexity and Recursion- Consider the following implementation of the set method on a singly linked-list: /** * Sets the element stored at the given index in this linked list. * Returns the old element that was stored at the given index. * * @param index the index of the element to set * @param elem the element to store in this linked list * @return the old element that was stored at the given index * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if (index < 0) || (index > size) */ public char set(int index, char elem) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.size) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } Node n = this.head; for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) { n =; } char oldData =; = elem; return oldData; } What is the Big-O complexity for this method?
  • O(1)
  • O(log(n))
  • O(n)
  • O(nlog(n))
  • O(n^2)

Question 35

Complexity and Recursion- Whenever a recursive method is called, the method:
  • always calls itself at least once
  • always calls itself zero or more times
  • always returns a value
  • never contains a loop

Question 36

Complexity and Recursion- In plain English, what is the meaning of a recurrence relation T(n)?
  • T(n) is the big-O complexity of a recursive method
  • T(n) is the number of elementary operations required by the base case of the method
  • T(n) is the number of elementary operations required by the recursive case of the method
  • T(n) is the number of elementary operations required by the method to solve a problem of size n

Question 37

Complexity and Recursion- What do you expect the Big-O complexity of mergesort to be?
  • O(1)
  • O(log(n))
  • O(n)
  • O(nlog(n))
  • O(n^2)

Question 38

Consider the following recursive implementation of a merge sort (pseudocode only): public static LinkedList<Integer> mergeSort(LinkedList<Integer> t) { if (t.size() <= 1) { return t; } LinkedList<Integer> left = mergeSort(t.sublist(0, t.size() / 2) ); LinkedList<Integer> right = mergeSort(t.sublist(t.size()/2 + 1, t.size() ); LinkedList<Integer> result = merge(left,right); return result; }
  • T(0) = T(1) = 0
  • T(0) = T(1) = c for some constant postive integer c
  • T(n) = c for some constant postive integer c
  • T(n) = O(n) where n is the number of elements in the list

Question 39

What is the recurrence relation for mergesort for the recursive case where n is the number of elements in the list? Note: you may assume the merge method has a complexity of O(n); and the value of n/2 is computed using integer division
  • T(n) = d for some constant postive integer d
  • T(n) ≈ T(n − 1) + d for some constant postive integer d
  • T(n) ≈ T(n/2) + d for some constant postive integer d
  • T(n) ≈ 2T(n/2) + d for some constant postive integer d
  • T(n) ≈ 2T(n/2) + O(n) for some constant postive integer d
  • T(n) ≈ 2T(n/2) + O(n^2) for some constant postive integer d
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