Reading Comprehension Assessment


This is just a quick assessment to check for student understanding with Main Idea, Cause and Effect, and Sequence of Events.
Ashley Miller
Quiz by Ashley Miller, updated more than 1 year ago
Ashley Miller
Created by Ashley Miller almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What is a main idea?
  • Tells the order that something occurs.
  • The central point in a piece of writing
  • Tells why an event happened.
  • Gives information that supports the author's point.

Question 2

What is a detail?
  • Tells the order that something occurs.
  • The central point of a piece of writing.
  • Tells why an event happened.
  • Gives information that supports the author's point.

Question 3

Read the following passage. Then choose which answer(s) fit the graphic organizer: Termites are insects that live in large groups called colonies. Some termites build mounds as their homes. Termite mounds are made with dirt and saliva. Termites build tunnels inside the mound. Termites travel through tunnels. The tunnels help keep the termite mound cool. Some mounds can be more than 20 feet tall! Choose the answer that is the main idea?
  • Mounds are made with dirt and saliva.
  • Termites make tunnels in mounds.
  • Termites live in homes called mounds.
  • Mounds can be 20 feet tall!
  • Tunnels keep mounds cool inside.

Question 4

Read the following passage. Then choose which answer(s) fit the graphic organizer: Termites are insects that live in large groups called colonies. Some termites build mounds as their homes. Termite mounds are made with dirt and saliva. Termites build tunnels inside the mound. Termites travel through tunnels. The tunnels help keep the termite mound cool. Some mounds can be more than 20 feet tall! Choose the answers that are supporting details?
  • Mounds are made with dirt and saliva.
  • Termites make tunnels in mounds.
  • Termites live in homes called mounds.
  • Mounds can be 20 feet tall!
  • Tunnels keep mounds cool inside.

Question 5

What is the sequence of events?
  • Tells the order that something occurs.
  • The central point of a piece of writing.
  • Tells why an event happened.
  • Gives information that supports the author's point.

Question 6

In what order should these sentences be written in order to make sense? a. I brush my teeth. b. I arrive at school. c. I open my eyes and wake up for the day. d. I leave school for home. e. I get out of bed to get ready for school.
  • a, b, c, d, e
  • c, a, e, d, b
  • c, e, a, b, d
  • e, c, a, b, d

Question 7

What is a cause?
  • Tells the order that something occurs.
  • Tells what happened after an event occurred.
  • Tells why an event happened.
  • Gives information that supports the author's point.

Question 8

What is an effect?
  • Tells the order that something occurs.
  • Tells what happened after the event occurred.
  • Tells why an event happened.
  • Gives information that supports the author's point.
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