Research Methods IV - Week 4 Within-Subjects ANOVA


Quiz on Research Methods IV - Week 4 Within-Subjects ANOVA, created by Brage Haavik on 15/04/2019.
Brage Haavik
Quiz by Brage Haavik, updated more than 1 year ago
Brage Haavik
Created by Brage Haavik over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

In a repeated measures ANOVA, the within-participant variability is divided into two components, what are they?
  • Variability between conditions and total variability
  • Variability between conditions and random variability
  • Total variability and random variability
  • Variability between participants and random variability

Question 2

Which of the following is an important advantage of a repeated-measures ANOVA?
  • A different sample of participants serves in each condition, making it possible to compare different populations
  • Individual differences do not contribute to unsystematic variance
  • A large number of participants is generally required, which provides a greater glimpse of the population
  • All of the above

Question 3

A researcher reports ANOVA as F (2, 40) = 5.18, p = .01, how many conditions were involved in this study?
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 41

Question 4

How many participants were there in the experiment reported in question 3?
  • 21
  • 63
  • 41
  • 44

Question 5

Sphericity is an assumption in a repeated measures ANOVA. How is sphericity calculated?
  • By looking at the variability within each condition
  • By looking at the size of the differences in each condition
  • By looking at the difference between the first and last condition
  • By looking at the variability in difference scores between conditions

Question 6

The following table shows the results of a repeated-measures ANOVA, but the F-value is missing. what is the F-Value?
  • 11.10
  • 12.13
  • 0.91
  • 0.08

Question 7

Which of the following statements about the assumption of sphericity is NOT true?
  • It is tested using Levene's Test in SPSS
  • It is tested using Mauchley's Test in SPSS
  • It is automatically met when an IV has only two levels
  • It is the repeated measures equivalent of homogeneity of variance

Question 8

If the assumption of sphericity is violated, which correction is available in SPSS?
  • Mauchly
  • Levene
  • Greenhouse-geisser
  • Kolmogorov-smirnov

Question 9

The larger the F statistic is in a repeated measures ANOVA, the larger the ___________, compared to the ____________
  • Variation within individuals; variation between individuals
  • Random variation; variation between conditions
  • Variation between conditions; random variation
  • Variation between individuals; variation within individuals

Question 10

A researcher wanted to see whether desensitization therapy was an effective treatment for hylophobia (fear of forests). She recorded levels of hylophobia in 20 participants at three points; before therapy, after therapy, and at a six-month follow up. The SPSS output from her data analysis is shown below. Which of the following statements is true?
  • The data meets the assumption of normality
  • The data violates the assumption of sphericity
  • There was a significant reduction in hylophobia following desensitisation therapy
  • Desensitisation therapy did not affect hylophobia levels
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