
ARCH PJM Quiz on PJM 2, created by M. A. on 16/05/2019.
M. A.
Quiz by M. A., updated more than 1 year ago
M. A.
Created by M. A. over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Which of the following of the design/construction document phases would most likely be the hardest to estimate when setting the Project Schedule?
  • Design Development
  • Bidding or Negotiation
  • Schematic Design
  • Construction Documents

Question 2

The Owner on one of the projects you are managing is pushing you to finalize everything that is required for the building permit. You are only halfway through the Construction Documents phase and most of the finishes have not been chosen yet. The Owner is asking you to _________ the project.
  • Rush
  • Fast Track
  • Shortcut
  • Abandon

Question 3

In an effort to account for unexpected issues or unpredicted delays that may occur in a project schedule, the Architect or Project Manager will usually include this in the schedule.
  • Indemnification
  • Reconciliation
  • Contingency
  • Termination Clause

Question 4

Which of the following is not one of the five main phase of project delivery for design as listed in AIA Contract B101?
  • Programming
  • Bidding and Negotiation
  • Design Development
  • Construction Admin

Question 5

In order to help the Owner understand the cost of the construction for a particular project, what should they request from the Contractor based on the construction drawings?
  • Project Schedule
  • Extended Schedule
  • Change Order
  • Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP)

Question 6

In project scheduling, the difference in time between a float path and the critical path is called what?
  • Float
  • Milestone
  • Raft
  • Bubble

Question 7

Reducing the critical path reduces the entire construction schedule, and as a result will
  • increase job cost, decrease overhead
  • decrease overhead, decrease job cost
  • not affect job cost or overhead
  • increase overhead, increase job cost

Question 8

An Owner wants to work with one company for the design and construction of his project. He will be looking for this type of project delivery method.
  • Design/Build
  • CM
  • Design/Build Bridging
  • IPD

Question 9

In order to keep a project you are managing on schedule, which of the following would be a critical component of your success:
  • Request a retainer before you begin the project
  • Requiring your consultants to provide timelines for their portion of the work
  • Minimize any code research
  • Limit the number of bids you request from Contractors

Question 10

These documents describe the quality of specific building elements, materials, and systems and describe the installation standards for the project. Choose the best answer.
  • Specifications
  • Shop Drawings
  • Instruments of Service
  • Contract Documents

Question 11

When preparing construction documents, who should the Architect consider his or her primary audience? This is critical to determining what type of information to show and how to illustrate it.
  • Contractor
  • Building Official
  • Client
  • Consultants

Question 12

An Owner approaches your Architectural firm and invites you to bid on a project. They explain to you at the outset that there is an accelerated timeline and that multiple bid packages will need to be produced so that the project can be fast tracked. Why is this information important?
  • It should be reflected in Owner/Architect agreement and fees
  • Chances of redundancy or conflict are less likely
  • Additional staff may need to be hired
  • Document tracking procedures are less critical

Question 13

You are the Project Manger on an extremely complex project that involves six different outside professional consultants. Four of your consultants have completed their work and one has emailed you to report they would have theirs in a day or so. To your horror you realize that you have not heard from your Mechanical Engineer in a month. You inquire with their firm and find out that they no longer work there. You are now a month behind. Who is ultimately responsible for the delay?
  • Project Manager
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Owner
  • Scheduling Coordinator

Question 14

Refer to figure below. Assume that 3 days was added to extend task A. Also assume that 7 days was added to extend task E. Assume the project begins on June 1. What day would all projects be complete?
  • June 15th
  • July 1st
  • July 15th
  • June 29th

Question 15

Refer to figure below. Estimate the total days that would represent the Critical Path.
  • 19
  • 30
  • 22.5
  • 7.5

Question 16

Refer to figure below. Item #72: Set rebar for structural beams can not be started until Insul Desk Panels are installed. If everything is on schedule, on what day can this work begin?
  • Thursday, August 1st
  • Thursday, August 8th
  • Wednesday, August 14th
  • Monday, August 11th

Question 17

Refer to figure below. A special inspection needs to be scheduled on site on the day the setting of the hardware for the stairs is set in walls and beams is started. If everything goes according to schedule, what day should this inspection be scheduled?
  • Same day as the first floor concrete deck pour
  • Monday, August 19th
  • Wednesday, August 21st
  • Friday, August 26th

Question 18

Refer to figure below. The frame and structural shoring for the entire concrete deck was completed 5 days early. This means the WWM can be set for the first floor. The shoring needs to be inspected first. What day should the inspection be scheduled.
  • Same day the rebar for structural beams is set
  • Tuesday, August 13th
  • Same day the temporary stairs are built
  • Same day the Structural column grinding/cleaning begins

Question 19

Refer to figure below. Based on what you know about the Critical Path Method, which of the following Tasks have float?
  • Task B
  • Task A and B
  • Task F and G
  • Task A

Question 20

For a CMc to best limit their risk when providing the Owner with a GMP, which design phase would prove most advantageous to the CMc.
  • Bid Phase
  • Construction Documents
  • Schematic Design
  • Design Development

Question 21

The Construction Manager is reviewing the construction documents of a project with the Owner in an effort to make changes to bring down the cost of the project. The design changes they are suggesting are not consistent with the design intent and lower the quality of design. This would not be considered what?
  • Maximizing Guaranteed Price
  • Value Engineering
  • Effective Efficiency
  • Cost Cutting

Question 22

A prospective client approaches your firm with a request for proposal for a new hospital. In the RFP they state would like to see fiscal transparency between key participants. They would also like to have early involvement of key parties. They desire collaborative decision making and jointly developed project goals. Knowing what you do about the different project delivery methods, which would be the best fit for this project?
  • CMc
  • Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
  • Deign-Bid-Build
  • Design Build

Question 23

You are on your way home from work one day when you receive this text from the Contractor on a project you are the Project Manager for, “Good Afternoon. Due to the additional cost on the metal roof that the Architect specified, we have decided to go with a different metal roofing manufacturer with a smaller gauge. Will save thousands of dollars and avoid a change order. Thanks, Contractor” What would be the most appropriate course of action?
  • Copy and paste the text in an email to the Owner
  • Call the Contractor to request more information
  • Forward the text to the Owner
  • Respond by text to the Contractor

Question 24

You are putting the final touches on a design schedule that you have been working on to deliver to the client. You have itemized all design phases and included an estimated time for the various reviews that you anticipate will be needed. You are still a little unsure that you have covered everything. What might you include in an effort to cover any unexpected delays to the schedule?
  • Budget
  • Indemnification
  • Continuously
  • Contingency

Question 25

Refer to figure below. You have been hired as the Construction Manager on a project that is already six weeks in to construction. You have been hired by the Owner as they are concerned about the organization skills of the Contractor they hired. The sheetrock for the project needs to be ordered two weeks before the sheetrocking starts to allow time for delivery. The framing has been delayed by four days. The framing crew offers to work both weekend days to make up time. When should the sheetrock be ordered?
  • March 27th
  • March 20th
  • March 13th
  • March 17th

Question 26

Refer to Fig. 3 for the following question. You are Construction Manger for this project. The schedule you produced for the client assumed four stucco tradesmen. One of the stucco installers has called in sick. The stucco crew does not work on the weekends and typically works from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm with paid half-hour for lunch. How many man-hours will the stucco crew need to make up to cover for the installer that is out sick?
  • 72 hours
  • 54 hours
  • 64 hours
  • 60 hours

Question 27

Refer to figure below. As the Owner’s Construction Manager, you have been tasked with estimating how much to budget to cover the work of the welders. The welders do not work weekends and work eight hours per day. For estimating purposes, use $75/hour for each of the two welders. Add $475 for misc. materials. Based on the construction schedule how much should you advise the Owner to budget for fabrication (construct) only- not installation.
  • $4,800
  • $10,075
  • $11,345
  • $9,600

Question 28

You are the Project Manager for a project and estimating the design schedule for a client. For this particular project, more time will need to be allocated to Schematic Design than usual. The client wants the design ready for permitting in thirty five weeks. How many weeks should you allocate for CA?
  • 0 Weeks
  • 10 Weeks
  • 20 Weeks
  • 5 Weeks

Question 29

You receive an email from a client that has a project that you are the Project Manager for. They explain that they must have five weeks for the Bidding Phase to have time to receive bids back. They only want to allocate $10,000 of the design budget to Schematic Design. Design Development must be condensed to four weeks. The total design budget is $100,000 and all final contracts for bids are to be awarded by October 1. Construction Documents will be 45% of the design budget. Because a CM will be hired for the project, you will only need to allocate 5% of the design budget to Construction Administration. How much of the budget should be allocated to cover Design Development?
  • $60,000
  • $40,000
  • $45,000
  • $35,000

Question 30

You receive a soils report in the mail from a geo tech for a project you designed. The Owner never provided a soils report when the project began. The Contractor had concerns about the conditions of the soil when they began excavation so they ordered the soils report and paid for the cost of the report and analysis out of pocket. The report reflects a Sandy Clay soil with Load Bearing Pressure of 1,500 lbs/sq.ft. The foundation you designed presumed 3,000 lbs/sq.ft. How should you most appropriately communicate your findings to the parties involved?
  • Call the Owner
  • Scan report and email the Owner and ‘cc the Contractor
  • Call the Contractor and request they email the Owner
  • Email the report to the Contractor

Question 31

The Architect receives an application for payment from the Contractor. After reviewing the work performed, what does the Architect do?
  • Issue a check to the Contractor
  • Issue a certificate of payment to the Contractor
  • Forward the application for payment to the Owner
  • Issue a certificate of payment to the Owner

Question 32

You are assembling a set of contract documents for the firm you are working for and you come across a text document that describes in detail how to install a manufacturers window flashing. Where should you include this in the contract documents? Choose the best answer.
  • Table of Contents
  • Technical Specifications
  • Project Details
  • Project Manual

Question 33

A Contractor abandons a project in the middle of construction and moves to Mexico to avoid legal trouble. He leaves four sub-Contractors that have not been paid for work they completed satisfactorily. They approach the Owner who refuses to take any responsibility and claims no contractual obligation to pay. Which of the following may be the next action taken by the sub-Contractors?
  • File a complaint with the Building Department
  • File a lien against the property
  • Sue the Architect
  • Collect on a bond

Question 34

Construction is winding down on a project you are managing and you receive an email from the Owner requesting that you come out to the site and bring with you the certificate of occupancy. How do you respond? Choose the best answer.
  • Explain that the Contractor must issue the certificate of occupancy
  • Explain that you can provide the certificate of payment but that the planning and building department will need to issue certificate of substantial completion
  • Agree to request
  • Explain that you can provide the certificate of substantial completion, but the planning and building department will need to issue certificate of occupancy

Question 35

You are managing the design work for a new hospital. It is a massive project with multiple consultants. As you are laying out the schedule, which of the following phases should be allotted the most time?
  • Construction documents
  • Specifications
  • Design Development
  • Bidding

Question 36

You are in your office when you receive an email from the Contractor on a project you are managing. Attached to the email is the Contractor’s Submittal Schedule. What phase of design or construction are you most likely in?
  • Pre-Design
  • Construction Administration
  • Construction Documents
  • Bidding

Question 37

At what point in the design and construction phases should you request the Contractor’s certificate of insurance, review and forward copies to the Owner?
  • Construction Administration
  • Bidding
  • Design Development
  • Construction Documents

Question 38

You are managing a project and assisting the Owner in preparing and sending notices to the Contractor to proceed with the work. You are in what phase of construction or design?
  • Pre-Design
  • Bidding
  • Construction Administration
  • Construction Documents

Question 39

You are reviewing the very thorough project checklist that you developed with the help of AIA Document D200. You notice on your list of things to complete for the day that you need to assign responsibility for site construction observation. From the list below, who would be best to assign to this task?
  • Civil Engineer
  • Structural Engineer
  • Draftsperson
  • Project Architect

Question 40

For an Architectural firm’s senior management, why might having actual employee-specific costs be beneficial over worker-hour estimates?
  • Management can then estimate construction costs
  • Work hour estimates are all that is necessary for budgetary purposes
  • Important in determine when to reduce staff
  • Having access to and reviewing actual employee-specific costs means the exact financial position of each project can be determined at any time

Question 41

You are managing a project that is in the middle of Design Development phase. You are reconciling and updating the construction cost estimate with the revised design drawings and schedule. Which method would be appropriate for this phase of cost estimating?
  • Square Footage Pricing
  • Actual Bid
  • Assemblies Systems
  • Unit Pricing

Question 42

Refer to figure below. You are managing a project and your client sends you an email saying that they are meeting with their partners on the project to review the budget and potential financing. They would like you to send an updated cost estimate based on design through Design Development. Fig. 7 reflects a snapshot from that budget. What type of estimate would this be relevant for?
  • Square Footage Pricing
  • Assemblies System
  • Actual Bid
  • Unit Pricing

Question 43

Refer to figure below. You are updating the construction cost estimate for a client based on the revised Design Development drawings. Assume 24” wide by 12” deep reinforced concrete strip footing on a building with the perimeter of 200’. What are the estimated material costs?
  • Not enough information provided to answer this question
  • $1,660
  • $2,000
  • $2,900

Question 44

Refer to figure below. You are revising the construction cost estimate for a client as there where major foundation changes in the Design Development drawings. Due to a different soil capacity of 6 KSF, the strip footings where changed from 24” wide by 12” deep reinforced concrete strip footings to 48” wide x 16” deep reinforced concrete. The building parameter is 350‘ What is the estimated total cost increase?
  • Not enough information provided to answer this question
  • $7,980
  • $5,408
  • $5,110

Question 45

The Project Manager is reviewing the staff work plan against project fees outstanding as the project nears completion of Construction Documents phase. The total Architectural fee for the project was $410,000. The project has been managed well and because of a few revisions to the schedule and budget throughout the life of the project, it is now on budget. What would be a reasonable estimate of the fees remaining at this point in the project?
  • $50,000
  • $120,000
  • $82,000
  • $300,000

Question 46

The Project Architect for the design of a mid-sized office complex receives a text from the electrician on the project stating that they are going to need to increase the size of conduit and wire required on one long section to the main electrical service. The General Contractor has gone for the day so they need approval for an $8,000 change order to avoid any further delays on the project. What is the appropriate response?
  • Call the General Contractor for approval
  • Forward the text to the General Contractor
  • Change orders must be submitted through email by the General Contractor
  • Have the Electrician call the Owner

Question 47

You receive a call from the Owner on a project you are managing during the end of Design Development phase. The Owner has received additional financing and wants to increase the quality of the building by choosing a more expensive and higher quality cladding material. The Owner would also like to move the insulation from inside the walls to the building “skin” for better energy performance. You estimate that the change will require approximately 50 additional design and production hours for your firm to complete this work. How should this be handled contractually? Choose the best answer.
  • Considered part of the original contract
  • Billed as basic service
  • 50 hours billed as an Additional Service
  • No change to contract, no change to design this late in process

Question 48

Typically when a project proposal is presented to a client, it would include a Project Schedule broken down by design phase. At the end of each phase, the Architect would request approval from the Owner to complete that phase. Which phases would be scheduled? (Choose 4)
  • Bidding or Negotiation
  • Schematic Design
  • Construction Documents
  • Construction Administration
  • Design Development
  • Construction Management

Question 49

Choose the types of drawings and deliverables that would most likely be completed in the Schematic Design Phase (Choose 5)
  • Preliminary massings, building plans, sections, and elevations
  • Material sample boards
  • Solar analysis
  • Schematic of utility runs
  • Completed specifications
  • Conceptual site plan

Question 50

Choose the types of drawings and deliverables that would most likely be completed in the Design Development Phase (Choose 4)
  • Typical construction details
  • Project Manual
  • Bidding Documents
  • Plans, sections, elevations
  • Outline Specification
  • Updated estimate of the Cost of Work

Question 51

Choose the types of drawings and deliverables that would most likely be completed in the Construction Documents Phase (Choose 5)
  • General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions
  • Site Plan
  • Contract Drawings
  • Invitation to Bidders / Instructions to Bidders
  • Program Document
  • Project Manual
  • Specifications

Question 52

Your firm is looking to hire a new Project Manager to help manage some of the increased workload you have attracted now that you are a Licensed Architect. Which qualities would be most important to hiring a successful candidate (Choose 3)?
  • Problem solver
  • Works well in groups and good motivator
  • Social media expert
  • Doesn't raise hand to ask a question
  • Extremely competitive
  • Team leader

Question 53

In order to manage a project properly, it would be necessary for you to first define which of the following(Choose 3)?
  • Budget
  • Site boundaries
  • Specifications
  • Schedule
  • Contractor
  • Available Resources

Question 54

Upon reviewing a proposal you provided, the Owner notices in the description of your fee that you have allocated a percentage of your time for project scheduling and a work plan. It is a small number and most of the time is absorbed in the design fee, but you felt it was important to call attention to the importance of it. What reasons might you provide that may convince the Owner of the value (Choose 3)?
  • Ability to run “what if” scenarios quickly
  • Effective way to communicate to Owner where time is being spent
  • Good tool for managing costs and estimating outcomes
  • Excuse to purchase expensive software
  • Great way to guarantee an outcome

Question 55

You are the Project Manager for a large project and the Owner has also retained a CMc. The Owner has asked that you give your opinion on the value of the CMc as you have been working together from Programming and Pre-Design and are just completing Design Development. Which of the following responsibilities might you evaluate to help you determine the CMc’s value (Choose 3)?
  • Responsiveness of Consultants
  • Accuracy of the Contract Documents
  • Quality of the design
  • Accuracy of the cost estimates
  • Project schedule

Question 56

The Project Manger is laying out the project work plan for a new project and conducting minor revisions to the project schedule to report to the Owner. The project is located in a coastal area with seismic considerations. There is also an HOA with Design Review board that must approve the project. Which of the following should the Project Manager include in their review that is likely to have a direct impact on the schedule (Choose 4)?
  • Contractor Review
  • HOA Design Review
  • Costal Commission Review
  • Intern Review
  • Owners review and final approval at completion of each phase
  • Local Building Dept. Review

Question 57

During the bid phase the Architect is responsible for which of the following tasks (choose 4)?
  • Reviewing shop drawings
  • Preparing addenda
  • Selecting the Contractor
  • Distributing the bid documents
  • Producing bid documents
  • Responding to RFI’s

Question 58

You have been tasked with developing and maintaining the project schedule for a multi-family, live/work, mixed use project in a small town in the state you reside. The project has begun to get off course with the Owner beginning to complain about late submissions and drawings that are not well coordinated. You are creating a checklist to help you bring focus back to the project. The project is currently in Design Development Phase. Which of the items below would be important to add to your list (choose 4)?
  • Conduct Solar and Site Analysis
  • Complete Punchlist
  • Review Program with Owner
  • Obtain the Owner’s approval if additional consultants are needed
  • Develop a list of special systems with consultants and Owner
  • Confer with and conduct preliminary reviews with local regulatory agencies
  • Review unresolved items from SD Checklist

Question 59

You are planning for your first meeting with a newly contracted client under AIA B101. You are making some brief notes about things to remember to ask for from the Owner at the meeting. What should you be sure to include (choose the best 4)?
  • Proof of financing
  • Land Survey
  • Budget
  • Program
  • List of preferred consultants
  • Signed copy of A201
  • Soil Report

Question 60

You are reviewing the preliminary program given to you by a client for a new project. It is basically a written narrative that gives a brief description of activities that will be conducted in specific spaces and approximate square footages of these spaces. Your firm has been hired to help complete the program. Without even considering the specifics of the project, what are some general items that you would need to define for any program (choose the best 4)?
  • Objectives of the project
  • Space adjacencies
  • Cost per square foot
  • Electrical one-line
  • Square footage estimates by space
  • Window schedule
  • Preliminary budget
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