HK Law (Closed Book)


Exam practise questions.
Bernard Oosthuiz
Quiz by Bernard Oosthuiz, updated more than 1 year ago
Bernard Oosthuiz
Created by Bernard Oosthuiz over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

You are operating a public transport flight from Hong Kong (HKG) to Vancouver (YVR) with an additional pilot, (qualified as pilot in command). When is the designated pilot in command required to be at the controls?
  • At all times, while aircraft is in flight.
  • During take-off and landing.
  • During the take-off, climb, descent and landing and half cruise duration.
  • During take-off, landing and in turbulent conditions.

Question 2

As pilot in command of a public transport flight, when are you required to nominate an alternate aerodrome in your flight plan?
  • An alternate is required for all flights.
  • When you are required to conduct an instrument approach under IFR conditions at destination.
  • When operating any trans oceanic flight.
  • When the cloud base at the destination is forecast to be below 1500 feet.

Question 3

At the departure aerodrome, the cloud ceiling is below take-off minima, however the RVR is above take-off minima. You are:
  • Not permitted to take-off.
  • Permitted to take-off.
  • Permitted to take off, provided the take-off is monitored by a Precision Approach Radar.
  • Permitted to take-off, if the forecast indicates the ceiling will be above minima if an emergency return to land will be within one hour of take-off.

Question 4

Who is responsible to ensure that all pre-flight checks are carried out on a multi engine, public transport operation?
  • If the flight is a multi-crew operation, any designated pilot.
  • The operator.
  • The operator's designated ground crew.
  • The pilot in command.

Question 5

In a Hong Kong registered public transport aircraft carrying passengers, instructions at every exit shall be marked
  • In English
  • In English or Chinese
  • In English, Chinese and an appropriate language depending on the final destination
  • In English and Chinese

Question 6

You are the holder of a Commercial Pilot License, and are employed in a public transport operation. You have completed a certificate of test on 2nd Jan 2011 and another certificate of test on 3rd May 2011. When is your certificate of test valid to?
  • 2-11-2011
  • 1-7-2011
  • 1-2-2012
  • 2-2-2012

Question 7

To operate a Public Transport flight from Tokyo to Los Angeles, what crew and/or aids are required?
  • An additional pilot who can act as pilot in command.
  • A flight navigator.
  • Approved navigation equipment.
  • Only ICAO registered navigation aids are to be used.

Question 8

What certificate is required to be completed far a component change in Hong Kong registered aircraft?§
  • Certificate of Maintenance
  • Certificate of Compliance
  • Certificate of Maintenance Review
  • Certificate of Release to Service

Question 9

A Certificate of Maintenance Review is required to be valid:
  • For twice the duration of flight
  • At the beginning of flight
  • For a period of 100 hours
  • For duration of the flight

Question 10

A hand held microphone may be used by the pilot or flight engineer in a public transport operation, only:
  • At and above FL150 in controlled airspace.
  • Below FL150 in controlled airspace, and while taking off and landing.
  • At any flight level but not during take-off and landing.
  • At and below FL150 in controlled airspace, and while taking off and landing.

Question 11

What is the distance from start of the take-off run to the point where the runway is no longer guaranteed to hold the aircraft weight?
  • TORA
  • TODA
  • EMDA
  • LDA

Question 12

As the captain of a public transport flight, for flight planning purposes, you require:
  • Current reports and forecasts.
  • Current forecasts only.
  • Current reports only.
  • The flight may may proceed if a forecast is obtained within the first 30 minutes of the flight.

Question 13

What aircraft are required to have an anti-collision light?
  • All aircraft below 5,700 KG.
  • All aircraft registered in Hong Kong.
  • Only aircraft above 5,700 KG.
  • Only Hong Kong registered aircraft above 5,700 KG.

Question 14

A report in accordance with a mandatory occurrence report (MOR) must be submitted:
  • Within 96 hours.
  • Within 48 hours.
  • Within 24 hours.
  • As soon as possible, after the occurrence.

Question 15

What simulator details must be entered in a pilots personal flying logbook?
  • All simulator details that were flown must be recorded.
  • Simulator details are not required to be recorded.
  • Simulator flight tests details must be recorded.
  • Only those simulator details supervised/flown with a pilot having an Instructor Rating.

Question 16

Two aircraft are converging and on a collision course at night. Aircraft 'A' observes the green navigation light of aircraft 'B'. Which one of these aircraft has right of way?
  • Aircraft 'A' has the right of way.
  • Neither aircraft have the right of way, and both must alter course.
  • Aircraft 'B' has the right of way.
  • As aircraft 'A' has observed the navigation light first, aircraft 'A' must immediately alter course to the right to avoid collision.

Question 17

Two weeks prior to the expiry of your aeroplane rating, you carry out a renewal flight test. HOWEVER YOU FAIL A PART OF THE FLIGHT TEST. YOU ARE:
  • Considered unrated until you have been retested and passed.
  • Still rated until your original expiry date.
  • Still rated provided thirteen months has not elapsed since the first rating test.
  • Considered rated, but unrated for that portion that required retesting.

Question 18

Your destination and alternate are forecast to be below RVR minima at the time of your arrival.
  • You may depart with additional holding fuel.
  • You are not permitted to depart.
  • You may depart with a special clearance from ATC.
  • You may depart, provided the alternate aerodrome will be above RVR at the the time of landing.

Question 19

Which one of the following statements is correct?
  • Aircraft under tow and all other vehicles will give way to an aircraft that is taxiing.
  • All aircraft, whether being towed or not, and all vehicles must give way to aircraft taking off or landing.
  • Aircraft under tow have the right of way over aircraft on the manoeuvring area.
  • An aircraft under tow has right of way over vehicles in the manoeuvring area.

Question 20

What times are required to be entered in the technical log?
  • Chocks on to chocks off.
  • Take-off to landing.
  • Movement under own power on departure to checks on.
  • Engine start time prior to departure to engine switch off time after landing.

Question 21

You are on an ILS approach and descending through 1500ft on QFE, when you are advised that the cloud ceiling has dropped down to 200ft and the RVR is just on minima. You should:
  • Continue the approach down to MDA/DA.
  • Continue the approach down to 1000ft and then carry out a missed approach.
  • Continue the approach down to 1000ft and then carry out a missed approach if there are no visual references.
  • Anticipate the RVR and commence a missed approach by 1000ft.

Question 22

The regulations governing pilots, flight engineers and cabin attendants flight time limitations can be found in:
  • The Hong Kong flight time Regulation.
  • The Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995.
  • The Operations Manual.
  • The Hong Kong AIC.

Question 23

On a public transport flight carrying 245 passengers from Hong Kong to Bahrain in an aeroplane with 325 seats. What is minimum number of cabin attendants required?
  • 9 cabin attendants
  • 8 cabin attendants
  • 7 cabins attendants
  • 5 cabin attendants

Question 24

An aircraft flying under VFR conditions outside controlled airspace, must comply with which one of the following conditions?
  • If flying below 3000ft AMSL, the minimum visibility is not less than 1500m.
  • If flying below 3000ft AMSL at a speed which according to its air speed indicator is 140kts or less and remains clear of cloud and in flight visibility of at least 1500m.
  • If flying at or below 3000ft AMSL at a speed which according to its air speed indicator is 140kts or less and remains clear of cloud and in flight visibility of at least 1500m.
  • While flying at and below 10000ft, an aircraft must remain at least 1500m horizontally and 1000ft vertically from cloud with a minimum visibility of not less than 5000m.

Question 25

While operating a 'Combi' aircraft on a public transport flight, as pilot in command, are you permitted to:
  • Block an exit with cargo, if it is not required for use by passengers.
  • Block an exit with cargo, if it is not required for use by passengers, provided it is in accordance with the operations manual.
  • Block an exit with consumable items, provided the items are consumed prior to descent and the exit will be unblocked on arrival at the destination.
  • Block an exit with light freight which can easily be removed to unblock the exit in an emergency.

Question 26

When flying over the sea, you are required to fly no closer or
  • Within 500ft of any passing ship.
  • Within 1500ft of an oil rig.
  • Within 500ft of any regatta.
  • Within 1500ft horizontally or 3000ft over any regatta.

Question 27

An aircraft lands at aerodrome 'A' and requires replacement of a particular part to maintain the aircraft serviceable. As a 'Certificate of Release to Service' cannot be obtained at aerodrome 'A', the pilot in command flies to aerodrome 'B', where he is able to obtain the required certificate. Under the circumstances, the pilot in command is required to:
  • Inform the aerodrome authority at 'A' of his intension to fly to 'B'.
  • Give written particulars of the flight to the Chief Executive at Hong Kong as soon as possible.
  • Give written particulars of the flight to the Chief Executive at Hong Kong with 7 days.
  • Give written particulars of the flight to the Chief Executive at Hong Kong within 10 days with reasons for making the flight to 'B'.

Question 28

A pilot holding a current licence, has an accident while on leave and suffered an injury, rendering him/her temporarily unfit to fly. Under the circumstances, the pilot is required to:
  • Inform the Chief Executive after 19 days have elapsed.
  • Inform the Chief Executive as soon as possible.
  • Inform the Chief Executive after 20 days have elapsed.
  • Inform the Chief Executive within 20 days of injury.

Question 29

An aircraft has 6 main exit/entry door. Before this aircraft commences a flight, how many doors are permitted to be unserviceable?
  • Only one door, however the position and number of passengers must be adjusted before the aircraft is dispatched.
  • Two doors may be inoperative, however the position and number of passengers must be adjusted before the aircraft is dispatched.
  • Any number of doors may be inoperative, however the position and number of passengers must be adjusted before the aircraft is dispatched.
  • A public transport aircraft may not be dispatched with passengers on board unless all the exit/entry doors are serviceable.

Question 30

You hold a current Airline Transport Pilot License. To sign a 'Certificate of Release to Service' in a technical log, what type of rectification are you permitted to carry out?
  • The adjustment, repair and compensation of a direct reading magnetic compass.
  • The adjustment and repair of a direct reading magnetic compass.
  • The repair and compensation of a direct reading magnetic compass.
  • The repair of a direct reading magnetic compass.

Question 31

As a holder of a Hong Kong pilot license, you are required to carry your flight crew licenses:
  • On any flight while operating a Hong Kong registered aircraft.
  • On any flight for the purpose of external public transport operation on a Hong Kong registered aircraft.
  • On any flight for the purpose of public transport operation on a Hong Kong registered aircraft.
  • On any flight beginning and ending at a Hong Kong aerodrome and remains within the Hong Kong FIR.

Question 32

An aircraft flying within Hong Kong and in sight of the ground and following linear features like a road or railway line, shall:
  • Keep to the left of the linear feature.
  • Keep to the right of the linear feature.
  • Fly over the linear feature.
  • Remain well clear of the linear feature.

Question 33

You are the pilot in command of a public transport aircraft and operating with the minimum number of cabin crew. One of the cabin attendants requests to observe the approach and landing from the observers seat on the flight deck. The request:
  • May be granted if the first/business class seats are vacant.
  • Should not be granted as this could set a president for other cabin crew.
  • Has to be turned down as the cabin crew are required to be secure in their seas in passenger compartment for take-off and landing.
  • Could be granted for take-off but not for landing.

Question 34

A Certificate or Airworthiness will cease to be in force:
  • Until the completion of a mandatory inspection or any modification to ensure aircraft remains airworthy.
  • Upon the expiration of the period of validity in elapsed time or flying time, whichever may come earlier.
  • Until the rectification of any defect which has been entered in the technical log.
  • If the Maintenance Review is not carried in the aircraft.

Question 35

The Certificate of Airworthiness of an aircraft shows the category 'Transport Category (Passengers)'. What type of operation may this aircraft conduct?
  • Any type of operation.
  • Any type of operation other than public transport of cargo.
  • Any type of operation other than aerial work.
  • Any type of operation other than private.

Question 36

Your company holds a permit that permits the carriage of dangerous goods in the aircraft. Will the holding of such a permit allow the aircraft to carry any type of munitions of war?
  • Yes, provided they are carried in accordance with the IATA Dangerous Good Regulations.
  • Yes, provided the Chief Executive's written permission is obtained.
  • An exemption from the CAD would be required.
  • It will depend on the type of munitions carried.

Question 37

Under the ANO HK, when can a pilot without an instructors rating give flying instruction?
  • The minimum requirement is an 'assistant flying instructors' rating.
  • When giving type conversion on a multi engine aircraft to a qualified pilot.
  • When giving type conversion but only in a simulator.
  • An ATPL holder may give any type of flying instruction to anyone.

Question 38

When are seat belts required to be used by pilots?
  • At all times when at the controls, and in addition, a shoulder harness during take-off and landing.
  • At all times when at the controls, and in addition, a shoulder harness when operation below FL150 in controlled airspace.
  • At all times when at the controls while in controlled airspace.
  • A shoulder harness is to be used at all times while at the controls.

Question 39

While on a public transport flight, is a person required to obey a command given to him/her by the aircraft's pilot in command?
  • Yes, if the command is deemed or held to be reasonable by the pilot in command.
  • Yes, if it is a lawful command and given for the purpose of securing the safety of the aircraft or navigation.
  • Only the crew need obey, there is no legal requirement for passengers to obey.
  • Crew and passengers are required to obey all requests and not a command.

Question 40

May an aircraft fly without a 'Certificate of Maintenance Review'?
  • No, all aircraft are required to operate with a valid 'Certificate of Maintenance Review'.
  • No, only Hong Kong registered aircraft are required to operate with a valid 'Certificate of Maintenance Review'.
  • Yes, but not for the purpose of public transport or aerial work operations.
  • Yes, but only to fly to a place at which such a certificate can be issued.

Question 41

When would a Certificate of Airworthiness cease to be in force?
  • If the aircraft has had an accident and has sustained some damage.
  • If the aircraft has been overhauled, repaired or modified, otherwise than in a manner approved by the Chief Executive.
  • When a component of the aircraft (as required by the CofA) requires repair.
  • If the technical log is not carried in the aircraft.

Question 42

In public transport operation in an aircraft with a maximum take-off weight in excess of 5700kg, the total weight of passengers and crew over 12 years of age, may be calculate at an average of:
  • 85 kg for male and 65 kg for female.
  • 83 kg for male and 70 kg for female.
  • 78 kg for male and 60 kg for female.
  • 75 kg for male and 65 kg for female.

Question 43

Would it be unlawful to smoke in an aircraft, if the pilot in command of a passenger carrying public transport aircraft, intentionally switched off the 'No Smoking' sign in flight?
  • No, it will not be unlawful, it will only be unlawful to smoke in a Hong Kong registered aircraft when a 'No Smoking' sign is exhibited.
  • Yes, unless the pilot in command made an announcement that you were permitted to smoke.
  • No, it would not be unlawful, however you would be expected to clarify whether the sign was extinguished unintentionally.
  • Yes, it would be unlawful if the particular flight (as per your ticket) was a non smoking flight.

Question 44

A Boeing 747 and an Airbus 340 are on the same airway to the same destination and both at FL 350. Initially the B747 took off half an hour after the Airbus. After a few hours in the air, the sun has gone down, the B747 pilot observes a red flashing light and a steady green light. This is indicating that:
  • The 747 will be overtaking, and must alter heading to the right.
  • The 747 will be overtaking, and must alter heading to the left.
  • The 747 is not considered to be overtaking and may continue on its heading.
  • The 747 will be overtaking and must either climb, descent or alter heading to stay clear of the other aircraft.

Question 45

You hold a Boeing 747 aircraft rating and have carried out two certificate of tests, one on 12.11.2009 and another test on 12.04.2010. Your certificate of test four your instrument rating was completed on 13.11.2009. What is the last date you may operate as a flight crew on a public transport flight?
  • 11.10.2010
  • 11.12.2010
  • 12.12.2010
  • 12.05.2010

Question 46

You aircraft has had a defect entry on the previous flight. You are the next person to operate the aircraft. Where will you locate/find the 'Certificate of Release to Service'.
  • In a prominent place on the 'Certificate of Maintenance Review'.
  • In a prominent place on the 'Certificate of Airworthiness'.
  • In a prominent place on the 'Maintenance Release'.
  • In a prominent place on the 'Technical Log'.

Question 47

You have just completed a multi sector schedule flight and there are no defects to report. In recording your flight details in the Technical Log, you are required to:
  • Record the take-off and landing time, leave the defects block blank and sign the log.
  • Record the 'off blocks' and 'on blocks' time, leave the defects block blank and sign the log.
  • Record the 'off blocks' and 'on blocks' time, enter 'nil' in the defects block and sign the log.
  • Record the take-off and landing time, enter 'nil' in the defects block and sign the log.

Question 48

As an operational flight crew in a public transport operation, you are required to ensure that the operator has:
  • Up to date information of all your flight time for the period of one year before you commence a flight.
  • Up to date information of all your duty time for the period of 28 days before you commence a flight.
  • Up to date information of all your flight time for the period of 28 days before you commence a flight.
  • Up to date information of all your duty time for the period of 1 month before you commence a flight.

Question 49

A Passenger arrives at the check-in counter and requests to carry hi/her sporting rifle on the flight. Under the circumstances:
  • The specific written permission of the Chief Executive is necessary before the rifle may be carried.
  • The specific written permission of the CEO of the operator is necessary before the rifle may be carried.
  • Written permission is not required, as long as the operator has no objection, the pilot is informed of the munitions of war, it is unloaded and carried in the cargo compartment.
  • Written permission is not required, as long as the operator has no objection, the pilot is informed of the sporting rifle, it is unloaded and carried in the cargo compartment.

Question 50

A public transport flight must be loaded under supervision of a person with written instructions from the operator. There after the load sheet must be:
  • Checked and signed by the pilot in command, one copy carried in the aircraft and the operator is to retain two copies on the ground for a period of not less than two years.
  • Checked and signed by the pilot in command, one copy carried in the aircraft and the operator is to retain one copies on the ground for a period of not less than two years.
  • Checked and signed by the pilot in command, one copy carried in the aircraft and the operator is to retain one copies on the ground for a period of not less than six months..
  • Checked and signed by the pilot in command, one copy carried in the aircraft and the operator is to retain one copies on the ground for a period of not less than 12 months.

Question 51

The legal requirements regarding the consumption of alcohol and psychoactive substances by crew of any aircraft, is that:
  • Cabin and flight crew are not to be under the influence of alcohol or psychoactive substances to an extent that may jeopardise the safety or impair their capacity to act so.
  • Cabin and flight crew are not to partake or consume any alcoholic or psychoactive substances a minimum of 12 hours prior to departure of the flight.
  • Cabin and flight crew are not to be under the influence of alcohol or psychoactive substances for at least 8 hours prior to reporting for duty for a flight.
  • Cabin and flight crew are not to partake or consume any alcoholic or psychoactive substances a minimum of 12 hours prior to reporting for duty.

Question 52

From a fatigue point of view, a flight crew member must not commence a flight if:
  • At the end of the flight, the total of all his previous flying in the last month in public transport operation exceeds 100 hours.
  • At the end of the flight, the total of all his previous flying in the previous 28 days exceeds 100 hours.
  • At the end of the flight, the total of all his previous flying in the previous 28 days in public transport operation exceeds 100 hours.
  • At the end of the flight, the total of all his previous flying in the previous 12 months exceeds 900 hours.

Question 53

While loading passengers on an aircraft with a max take-off weight in excess of 5700 kg, the supervising officer observes a passenger well over the standard weight and therefore has the passenger weighed. How is this entered in the load sheet?
  • All passengers will have to be weighed and the actual weights are to be entered in the load sheet.
  • If the particular passenger is weighed, the actual weight is to be entered while the standard weight of the rest of the passengers may be entered in the load sheet.
  • If the passenger's actual weight is greater than the standard weight, it must be entered in the load sheet, along with the standard wight of the passengers.
  • The weights entered in the load sheet is at the discretion of the load master.

Question 54

An aircraft is to carry out a flight from Hong Kong to Sydney. As pilot in command, you are required to carry certain documents. What extra document is required for this flight?
  • Certificate of Airworthiness
  • Certificate of Registration
  • Certificate of Maintenance Review
  • The licenses of the flight crew

Question 55

On completion of a flight you are to enter the flight times in the personal flying logbook. The times to be entered are:
  • Time at start of take-off to end of landing.
  • Off blocks to on blocks time.
  • The time the aircraft first moves under its own power until it comes to rest after landing.
  • Time at start of take-off to end of landing plus and additional standard number of minutes as per the Ops Manual, for stat up and taxi.

Question 56

The definition of cloud ceiling in relation to an aerodrome, is:
  • The vertical distance above an aerodrome elevation to the lowest layer of cloud.
  • The vertical distance above an aerodrome elevation to the lowest layer of cloud covering at least half the sky.
  • The vertical distance above an aerodrome elevation to the lowest layer of cloud covering 4 octal or more as viewed from the aerodrome.
  • The vertical distance above an aerodrome elevation to the lowest layer of cloud visible from the aerodrome and obscures more than half the sky.

Question 57

A load sheet must be prepared for:
  • All aircraft greater than 5700 kg, operating under a public transport AOC.
  • All public transport aircraft, except aircraft not exceeding 1150 kg and carrying out a flight 60 minutes or less.
  • All public transport aircraft, except aircraft not exceeding 2730 kg and carrying out a flight 60 minutes or less that begins and ends at the same aerodrome.
  • All aircraft operations under a public transport AOC.

Question 58

The privileges of having an instrument rating entitles you to:
  • Act as pilot in command or co-pilot of an aircraft while operating in controlled airspace under Instrument Flight Rules.
  • Operate at night as pilot in command or co-pilot of an aircraft while in controlled airspace.
  • Act as pilot in command or co-pilot of a public transport service under instrument flight rules.
  • Act as pilot in command or co-pilot of an aircraft day or night while operating in controlled airspace.

Question 59

You hold an aircraft rating on a Boeing 747 and have completed two certificate of test, one on 10.7.09 and the other on 1.4.09. Your last instrument rating test was dated 2.5.09. What is the latest date you are legally permitted to operate a flight on this type?
  • 30.9.10
  • 1.6.10
  • 9.1.10
  • 1.11.10

Question 60

The flight you are operating has a seating capacity of 300 and requires a minimum of 6 cabin crew. However on this particular flight the company has put on an extra 4 flight attendants. With reference to flight time limitations in the ops manual, which one of the following statements would you consider correct?
  • The flight time limits apply to the flight crew and the 6 legal cabin crew.
  • The flight time limits apply only to the flight crew.
  • The flight time limits apply to the flight crew and all 10 cabin crew.
  • The flight time limits apply to the flight crew and all 10 cabin crew only if it is a scheduled flight.

Question 61

The pilot and flight engineer (if carried) are not permitted to use a hand held microphone in a public transport operation:
  • When the aircraft is operating in controlled airspace and when taking off and landing.
  • When the aircraft is operating above flight level 150, in controlled airspace and when taking off and landing.
  • When the aircraft is operating at and below flight level 150, in controlled airspace and when taking off and landing.
  • When the aircraft is operating below flight level 150, in controlled airspace and when taking off and landing.

Question 62

The pilot in command of a public transport operation, carrying out a multi sector consecutive flight from the same aerodrome, on the same day, observes minor defect on one of the sectors. He/she is required to enter the defect in the technical log:
  • After landing, at the end of the last consecutive flight.
  • After landing at home base, at the end of the last consecutive flight.
  • At the end of the particular sector, when the defect was initially observed.
  • if, in the opinion of the pilot in command, the defect is only minor, it may be verbally discussed with the ground crew at the end of the final sector.

Question 63

The Chief Inspector of Accidents is responsible for the investigation of:
  • All aircraft within the Hing Kong FIR.
  • Only Hong Kong registered civil aircraft operating anywhere in the world.
  • Any civil registered aircraft operating within Hong Kong airspace and all civil registered Hong Kong aircraft operating elsewhere.
  • All aircraft within the Hong Kong FIR and any Hong Kong registered aircraft operating elsewhere.

Question 64

In accordance with the Hong Kong ANO, when would it be permissible not to carry your flying licence while operating an aircraft?
  • When the flight begins and ends at the same aerodrome, without over flying the airspace of another country.
  • For any type of operation, as long as you and your crew can produce your licence to the CAD within 7 days.
  • For any type of operation, except a public transport operation over another country.
  • When the flight begins and ends at the same aerodrome, without overflying the airspace of another country, provided the CAD has been informed prior to the flight as to the location of your licence.

Question 65

With reference to the duty and flight time limitation, the maximum hours conducted in a public transport operation are?
  • 100 hours in 28 days period ending on the day prior to the intended flight.
  • 900 hours in 12 month period ending on the day prior to the intended flight.
  • 100 hours in 28 days period ending on the day of the intended flight.
  • 900 hours in 12 month period ending on the day of the intended flight.

Question 66

If and when reportable accident occurs in or over Hong Kong, who is informed by the quickest means possible?
  • The DGCA (Director General of Civil Aviation)
  • The DGCA (Director General of Civil Aviation) and the Chief Executive
  • The Chief Executive and the Commissioner of Police
  • The Chief Inspector and the Commissioner of Police

Question 67

An aircraft whose certificate of Airworthiness is in the transport category is required to carry:
  • The Certificate of Maintenance Review, indicating that the aircraft has been maintained in accordance with the maintenance schedule.
  • The Certificate of Maintenance Schedule, indicating that the aircraft has been maintained in accordance with the maintenance schedule.
  • The Certificate of Release to Service in accordance with the maintenance schedule.
  • The Clearance of Flight certificate by the maintenance authority that the aircraft Certificate of Airworthiness is still valid.

Question 68

A pilot holding a current medical certificate, suffers an injury involving incapacity to undertake his/her functions of a flight crew member. The pilot may now only commence flying duties only if:
  • The incapacity to be a member of a flight crew, is no longer than 20 days.
  • A designated medical examiner has certified the pilot 'fit' for flying duties.
  • A designated medical examiner must certify the pilot 'fit' for flying duties after 20 days.
  • An injury or an illness causing incapacity requires a complete medical examination before resuming flying duties.

Question 69

You are on an ILS approach in marginal weather conditions. The aircraft has just passed DH when you are advised that the visibility has dropped below minima. You:
  • May continue the approach only if you have picked up the required visual references.
  • Must commence a missed approach immediately.
  • May continue, only if you are carrying out a CAT II ILS approach.
  • May continue, only if you are carrying out a CAT II ILS approach and are reasonably sure of picking up the required visual references.

Question 70

With reference to accidents and incidents, which one of the following is not considered a reportable accident?
  • A person sustains a serious injury while boarding an aircraft for a flight.
  • An aircraft engine has failed while in flight.
  • An aircraft is missing or is inaccessible.
  • A passenger injures herself while disembarking after a flight and requires immediate hospitalisation for a week.

Question 71

In which of the following documents are you likely to find a list of Mandatory Reporting Occurrences?
  • The HK ANO 1995
  • The HK AIP
  • The HK AIC
  • The HK Civil Aviation (investigation of accidents) Regulations

Question 72

Which one of these aircraft has priority over the other while on a converging course?
  • A glider over airships and balloons.
  • A flying machine towing a glider over another flying machine.
  • A military fast jet aircraft over all other flying machines.
  • A powered aircraft over another aircraft towing a banner.

Question 73

The minimum height an aircraft is permitted to fly over a congested area is:
  • An altitude of 1500 feet above a fixed object within 2000 feet of the aircraft.
  • A height of 1500 feet above a fixed object within 2000 feet of the aircraft.
  • An altitude of 1500 feet above a fixed object within 3000 feet.
  • An altitude of 3000 feet above an assembly of more than 1000 people.

Question 74

You hold a current Airline Transport Pilot Licence. You may continue flying as pilot in command of a public transport operation if:
  • You have attained the age of 60 years and you are being checked out by another senior company Check Pilot.
  • The aircraft has dual controls and you have attained the age of 65 years and the second pilot is under 65.
  • The aircraft has dual controls and you have attained the age of 60 years and the second pilot is under 60.
  • The aircraft has dual controls and you and the second pilot are both under 65 years.

Question 75

You have just commenced your flying training and have not yet qualified for a flight radiotelephony operators licence. You may operate the aircraft radios if:
  • You are accompanied by a qualified pilot or a flying instructor and transmitting frequency exceeds 60 MHz.
  • You are accompanied by a flying instructor and transmitting frequency exceeds 60 MHz.
  • You are accompanied by a qualified pilot and transmitting frequency exceeds 60 MHz.
  • You are at least 15 years old and are accompanied by a flying instructor and transmitting frequency exceeds 60 MHz.

Question 76

An aircraft fitted with a CVR and a FDR. As pilot in command you are to ensure:
  • Both the CVR and FDR are switched on from the time the aircraft first moves under its own power till it comes to rest at the end of the flight.
  • The CVR is switched on from the time the checklist is first used in the cockpit and the FDR when the aircraft commences the take-off.
  • Both the CVR and FDR are switched on from the beginning of the take-off run till the end of the landing run.
  • Both the CVR and FDR are switched on from the time the checklist is first used in the cockpit till the completion of the checklist after the aircraft is switched off.

Question 77

You are pilot in command of a long haul flight to Los Angeles with three other flight crew, all qualified to act as pilot in command. Which statement is correct while operating this flight?
  • As all pilots are qualified to act as PIC, any of them may be at the controls for take-off and landing.
  • The pilot in command is required to be seated at the controls only in the left seat for take-off and landing.
  • The pilot in command is required to be seated at the controls from either seat for take-off and landing.
  • Any of the other pilots may be at the controls for take-off and landing provided they have been briefed by the PIC.

Question 78

You hold a commercial pilots licence and are employed in a public transport operation. To maintain your currency, you have just completed a certificate of test. When doe the next test fall due?
  • Twelve months from the date of last test.
  • On the last day of the month after six months have lapsed.
  • Thirteen months from the date of last test.
  • Six months from the date of last test.

Question 79

The first officer on a public transport flight had consumed some food the night before, which resulted in a severe case of food poisoning that rendered him incapable of continuing his duties. On landing at the destination the pilot in command is required to:
  • Downgrade his medical certificate temporarily, for a minimum of 96 hours.
  • Make a written report to CAD within 96 hours.
  • Make a written report to the Chief Executive in a 'Mandatory Occurrence Report' form, ASAP, but not later than 96 hours.
  • Make a written report to the Chief Inspector of Accidents in a 'Mandatory Occurrence Report' form, ASAP, but not later than 96 hours.

Question 80

THE HK ANO 1995 requires a flight crew member to maintain a personal flying logbook, into which, certain specific information is logged. Besides the introductory information at the beginning of the logbook, a pilot must also log:
  • All flight and simulator details.
  • All flight and simulator details including all tests.
  • All CAD ground exams passed, all flights and simulator details.
  • All flight details and tests, along with all simulator tests.

Question 81

The first officer is the 'pilot flying', and is carrying out a CAT II ILS approach. While on descent passing through 800' on QNH, the RVR drops below minima. He should:
  • Hand over controls to the piloting command, who may continue down to DH of 100'.
  • Continue down to a CAT I DH, of 200', and if not visual, carry out a missed approach.
  • Carry out a missed approach if not visual at this height.
  • Continue down to CAT II DH, of 100', and if not visual, carry out a missed approach.

Question 82

You hold a current HK ATPL, without an instructors rating. What type of flying training are you permitted to carry out?
  • You are not permitted to conduct any type of flying training unless you hold a current instructor rating.
  • You are not permitted to conduct any type of flying training unless you hold either a current instructor rating or an assistant flying instructor rating.
  • You may give flying instruction to a person to become qualified for the inclusion in his/her licence to act as pilot of a multi-engine aircraft.
  • You may give flying instruction to any person who has previously been a member of Her Majesty's Naval, Military or Air Force.
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