

A quiz devoted to problem solving
Quiz by englishcorner, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by englishcorner over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

- Hello, Steve's Garage. How can I help you? - Hi, There's something [blank_start]wrong[blank_end] with my car. - What [blank_start]exactly[blank_end] is it? - Well, I don't know , but when I start it, the engine [blank_start]makes[blank_end] funny sounds. - OK, I suppose you should come over and we'll [blank_start]see[blank_end] what it is.
  • wrong
  • bad
  • worse
  • good
  • exactly
  • actually
  • really
  • else
  • makes
  • does
  • listens
  • hears
  • see
  • sea
  • say
  • watch

Question 2

- Good morning, I [blank_start]bought[blank_end] these trousers last week but I have to return them. - Oh, I see. Why's that? - Well, They [blank_start]got[blank_end] torn up when I was walking through a forest. - [blank_start]Unfortunately[blank_end], it that [blank_start]case[blank_end] it was not our [blank_start]fault[blank_end] because the trousers got damaged mechanically. I'm [blank_start]afraid[blank_end] we can't do anything about it.
  • bought
  • brought
  • caught
  • sold
  • got
  • had
  • made
  • fell
  • Unfortunately
  • Fortunately
  • Luckily
  • Sadly
  • fault
  • wrong
  • case
  • issue
  • afraid
  • worried
  • terrified
  • thrilled
  • case,
  • matter,
  • day,
  • moment,

Question 3

- Honey, I can't [blank_start]find[blank_end] my book. I thought I [blank_start]left[blank_end] it in the bedroom, but it's not there. - I don't [blank_start]know[blank_end] where it is, sorry. - Can you help me [blank_start]look for[blank_end] it? - I'm really busy [blank_start]right now[blank_end]. It [blank_start]might[blank_end] be under the bed. Have you checked there? - Oh, you're [blank_start]right[blank_end]. Thanks!
  • find
  • look for
  • take
  • look after
  • left
  • forgot
  • found
  • lived
  • know
  • think
  • sure
  • understand
  • look for
  • look after
  • look at
  • look from
  • right now
  • right then
  • tomorrow
  • soon
  • might
  • would
  • sure
  • is
  • right
  • fine
  • certain
  • interesting

Question 4

- I had a terrible [blank_start]headache[blank_end] yesterday. I thought my head would explode. - What [blank_start]did[blank_end] you do? - I [blank_start]took[blank_end] an aspirin but it didn't help, so I simply [blank_start]went[blank_end] to bed. In the morning it was OK.
  • headache
  • did
  • took
  • went

Question 5

In [blank_start]case[blank_end] of a fire, use the fire extinguisher immediately and in accordance with the instruction [blank_start]manual[blank_end]. [blank_start]Call[blank_end] the fire brigade and an ambulance. [blank_start]Evacuate[blank_end] all people from the building. Do not [blank_start]take[blank_end] any possessions out with you.
  • case
  • problem
  • situation
  • option
  • manual
  • book
  • tips
  • advice
  • Call
  • Take
  • Talk
  • Look for
  • Evacuate
  • Expell
  • Throw out
  • Leave
  • take
  • bring
  • use
  • have

Question 6

If your computer breaks [blank_start]down[blank_end] you should call a specialist. If you [blank_start]try[blank_end] to repair it [blank_start]yourself[blank_end], you can make it even [blank_start]worse[blank_end]. It might be a virus which can damage the hard drive and the [blank_start]whole[blank_end] system will have to be reinstalled.
  • down
  • off
  • shut
  • back
  • try
  • go
  • have
  • tire
  • yourself
  • you
  • himself
  • themselves
  • your own
  • worse
  • bad
  • better
  • worst
  • whole
  • all
  • huge
  • your

Question 7

Who can help you if you have a problem?
  • a shoplifter
  • a physician
  • a thief
  • a pickpocket

Question 8

- Hi, [blank_start]there[blank_end] is a power cut in my [blank_start]area[blank_end]. Can you come and check? - Yes, we've been [blank_start]informed[blank_end]. We're just looking into it. Keep calm and [blank_start]save[blank_end] your mobile phone battery. We should fix it before 6 p.m. - OK, thank you.
  • there
  • here
  • this
  • it
  • area
  • space
  • distance
  • corridor
  • informed
  • said
  • talked
  • telling
  • save
  • keep
  • stay
  • get

Question 9

- Waiter, excuse me, my soup is cold. - I see, sir. I'm so sorry. [blank_start]Let[blank_end] me exchange it right away. - I'd be [blank_start]grateful.[blank_end]
  • Let
  • Allow
  • Make
  • Ask
  • grateful.
  • lucky.
  • graceful.
  • good.

Question 10

We went to the cinema yesterday. We wanted to watch the new film by Quentin Tarantino but the tickets were [blank_start]sold[blank_end] out. So we decided to see a comedy [blank_start]instead[blank_end]. Unfortunately, it wasn't [blank_start]interesting[blank_end] at all. After it finished, we were [blank_start]tired[blank_end] and bored.
  • sold
  • bought
  • selling
  • paid
  • paying
  • buying
  • instead
  • indeed
  • inside
  • despite
  • interesting
  • bored
  • interested
  • boring
  • tired
  • tiring
  • uninteresting
  • excited
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