Design w TP


Created by Mojtaba Arezoomand
Mojtaba Arezoomand
Quiz by Mojtaba Arezoomand, updated more than 1 year ago
Mojtaba Arezoomand
Created by Mojtaba Arezoomand about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Imagine that you are in charge of designing the jet propulsion system of a space shuttle. There are 5 different designs with different total cost (manufacture cost plus fuel cost) and the chance of failure. Which one do you choose? (You have one minute to answer this question)
  • Design A: Total cost of $1 billion with the failure chance of 0.001%
  • Design B: Total cost of $700 million with the failure chance of 0.01%
  • Design C: Total cost of $600 million with the failure chance of 0.1%
  • Design D: Total cost of $550 million with the failure chance of 1%
  • Design E: Total cost of $500million with the failure chance of 10%

Question 2

Imagine it is post-antibiotic era and your pharmaceutical factory wants to invest money in a research project to produce new replacement for antibiotics. The anticipated market size of this new drug is $20 billion. There are five different research plans that you can invest your money in. Each plan needs a different amount of investment and leads to a different kind of formulae with a different effectiveness. Effectiveness means the percentage of pathogenic bacterial species the the drug can kill. The difference between the research budget and the market value is the profit of your factory. Be careful, if your rival companies come up with a formulae with a higher effectiveness, your market share will be zero. Which plan do you choose? (You have one minute to answer this question)
  • Plan A: Research budget of $15 billion and effectiveness of 99.99%
  • Plan B: Research budget of $10 billion and effectiveness of 99%
  • Plan C: Research budget of $8 billion and effectiveness of 90%
  • Plan D: Research budget of $6 billion and effectiveness of 80%
  • Plan E: Research budget of $5 billion and effectiveness of 70%

Question 3

Imagine you are the CEO of Coca-Cola company. Recently you have been losing your market share to Pepsi company. You and your team are deciding on a formula change. Changing formula is a very risky decision and can cause a total consumer dissatisfaction (Actually this happened in 1985, The decision which is called " the marketing blunder of the century"). There are five levels of formula change starting from no change at all to a major formula change each with the corresponding probability of success and total failure. Total failure can cost you losing your job and leaving industry with a bad reputation. What would be your decision as the CEO of the company? (You have one minute to answer this question).
  • A. No formula change: your company keeps losing the market at the current rate.
  • B. Very minor formula change: 20% chance of success, 5% chance of total failure, and 75% chance of losing the market at the current rate.
  • C. Minor formula change: 40% chance of success, 10% chance of total failure, and 50% chance of losing the market at the current rate.
  • D. Major formula change: 60% chance of success, 15% chance of total failure, and 25% chance of losing the market at the current rate.
  • E. Total formula change: 80% chance of success, 20% chance of total failure, and 50% chance of losing the market at the current rate.
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