

Quiz on FC2.3, created by Luis Felipe Chávez Choque on 21/05/2017.
Luis Felipe Chávez Choque
Quiz by Luis Felipe Chávez Choque, updated more than 1 year ago
Luis Felipe Chávez Choque
Created by Luis Felipe Chávez Choque over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Read the text. Choose the correct option to answer the question What must Tessa do? Miriam's Problem Page Tessa asks: My new boyfriend, Gary, loves extreme sports! I've told him that I love sports, too, which is not true, but I really don't want to lose him. We are going water-skiing next month. It's already booked, so I can't back out now. The problem is, I never go swimming and I can't water-ski. What should I do? Miriam says: Don't worry. If you follow this advice, you might learn something new about yourself and your new boyfriend. To start off, you've got to go swimming every day before you go. You must be able to swim well. As for the water-skiing, it's quite normal that you've never done it before. Your boyfriend should help you to learn. Tell him the truth - tell him you can't water-ski. But, when you go water-skiing, make sure it isn't in a dangerous area. Go to an easy area first. And, finally, be brave and have fun! Carl asks: I am studying French at university, but I'm finishing next month. I need some advice. I'd like to be a journalist, but I haven't got any experience. And I'd like to travel around the world. I don't know what to do. Should I get work experience first? Or should I travel first? Miriam says: Carl, in these tough economic times, you should get work experience first. Then you can travel wherever you like. You must work hard to be a journalist. Believe me! From my own personal experience, I can tell you that it's not easy! You might have to start by making tea and doing lots of little jobs in the back office of a small, local newspaper, but at least you'll be in the right place. You will have the opportunity to get to know the right people who can help you with your career. If you really want to travel straight away, then you should think about a job as a tourist guide or work as a waiter in a foreign country. This way, you can travel, learn and work! Chloe asks: I work in a bank in the centre of town. The bank is in front of the square. My desk is next to the window, so I can see the square from the office. Three weeks ago, I saw a really handsome man in the square. He usually eats his lunch in the square, just outside my office! He almost always buys a newspaper from the news stand on the corner. Then he sits down and reads. He is always alone. I'd like to meet him, but I don't know how to do it. What can I do? Miriam says: First, don't be shy, girl. Tomorrow, you should have your lunch in the square - and put on your best clothes! You should smile at him, but you don't have to hide behind a newspaper like they do in the movies! The next day, you should say hello to him. On the third day, you should speak to him. Is there a restaurant or cafe in the square? Invite him to have a coffee with you. You don't have to say anything special. Just say, 'Would you like a coffee?'. You've got no excuses! He could be your prince or he could be a frog, but only you can find out, so make the first move. What must Tessa do?
  • She must go swimming every day.
  • She must tell her boyfriend that she doesn't want to go.
  • She must go swimming twice a week.

Question 2

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets. If Nicki [blank_start]sees[blank_end] my new car, she'll be quite angry. (see)
  • sees

Question 3

Match: 1. It might not [blank_start]be her baby. She looks too old.[blank_end] 2. He can't [blank_start]be an English teacher. He doesn't[blank_end] speak English. 3. It must [blank_start]be true. She never tells lies.[blank_end] 4. He may [blank_start]be Indian. He speaks Hindi.[blank_end] 5. He must love [blank_start]football. He plays all the time![blank_end]
  • be her baby. She looks too old.
  • be an English teacher. He doesn't
  • be true. She never tells lies.
  • be Indian. He speaks Hindi.
  • football. He plays all the time!

Question 4

Complete the sentences with the correct form of say or tell. Matt always [blank_start]tells[blank_end] funny jokes!
  • tells

Question 5

Choose the best option to complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets. If I [blank_start]don't go[blank_end] out with Zack, I'll watch TV tonight. (not go)
  • don't go
  • doesn't go
  • don't goes
  • doesn't goes

Question 6

Read the text. Select True or False. "Most KFC restaurants are in the USA." Finger lickin' good' Kentucky Fried Chicken - or 'KFC' - is known all over the world, and is worth a lot of money to the group that owns it, 'Yum! Brands Incorporated'. Every day, KFC serves 12 million customers in 109 countries. KCF is based in Louisville, Kentucky, but it has got over 20,000 restaurants around the globe. A third of these restaurants are in the US. The original, secret chicken recipe was created by Colonel Hartland Sanders half a century ago. The recipe included a blend of 11 herbs and spices. Millions of people still love it today. But who was Colonel Sanders? And why has his image become an American icon? Sanders started his career with a small restaurant that served typical home-style food. He invented his recipe for fried chicken in 1940. In the 1950s, he opened more fried chicken restaurants. By 1964, there were 600 KFC restaurants in the US and Canada, and one in the UK. As the restaurant grew, Colonel Sanders became more and more famous. He became a big, well-known celebrity in America. Colonel Sanders died in 1980, but his image and legacy live on. Many people recognise the red and white logo for KFC - an image of Sanders with his white hair, beard, glasses, and string tie. In 2008, his image got a 'make-over'- the KFC logo changed and now, the logo shows Colonel Sanders wearing a red apron. The KFC Corporation continues to dominate the fast food sector, offering new, healthier food options, as well as the traditional, 'finger lickin'' fried chicken. "Most KFC restaurants are in the USA."
  • True
  • False

Question 7

Complete the sentences with so or such. It's [blank_start]so[blank_end] beautiful!
  • so

Question 8

Read the sentences. Select True or False. You usually keep credit cards and cash in your wallet.
  • True
  • False

Question 9

Complete the sentences with so or such. It is [blank_start]such[blank_end] an expensive car we can't afford it.
  • such
  • so

Question 10

[blank_start]If[blank_end] [blank_start]I[blank_end] [blank_start]had[blank_end] [blank_start]more time,[blank_end] [blank_start]I would[blank_end] [blank_start]travel more.[blank_end]
  • If
  • I
  • had
  • more time,
  • I would
  • travel more.
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