DQE- Quiz Week # 3 by sister Maryam Saeed


Daura e quran English by sister Maryam Saeed
alhudasisters.ce Admin
Quiz by alhudasisters.ce Admin, updated more than 1 year ago
alhudasisters.ce Admin
Created by alhudasisters.ce Admin over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Eeman of a person grows in good company while eeman decreases with vile/bad company
  • True
  • False

Question 2

Islam gives a lot of importance to Tayyib kalam. Which of the following are true?
  • We will be held responsible for whatever we utter
  • We should talk good or be silent
  • We should be quiet when people don't listen to our good advice
  • We should give charity for whatever bad things we have said.
  • We should argue when people don't listen to us
  • We have to give kaffara for breaking oaths.
  • Talk nicely to poor needy orphans neighbours parents relatives children
  • Good word and kind speech is better than charity followed by injury
  • The reward for good meaning talk is jannat if we follow with righteous amal.
  • We can yell at children and spouse

Question 3

The lawful things that Allah has created in this world are less in comparison to the unlawful and forbidden things.
  • True
  • False

Question 4

Which of the following are true?
  • When we lie we deceive none but ourselves
  • Never betray the trust of anyone
  • Never tell the secret of a friend to another friend
  • Making a will is an obligation.
  • Islam promotes racism
  • A believer is the well wisher of everyone
  • Allah's creation is beauty with function. Everything in nature is both beautiful and useful.
  • Everyone is told to strive in the way of Allah more than their capacity.
  • We cannot update or revise the word of Allah as it is absolute and perfect.
  • Majority is not authority.

Question 5

We should beware of asking to many questions in deen and asking about matters Which don't concern us
  • True
  • False

Question 6

Which two statements are correct regarding favours and trials?
  • Favours are given to make us thankful and trials are given to make us repent.
  • Favours are given to those whom Allah is pleased with and trials are for those with whom Allah is angry.
  • Sometimes when a person is not thankful for blessings then Allah swt increases him in transgression till Allah's punishment comes upon them
  • Increase in wealth is always a trial for us.

Question 7

We should reflect on everything around us be it trees, insects, fruits, plants, clouds, animals, the sky, the sun, the moon and everything else so that we may realize the attributes of Allah swt.
  • True
  • False

Question 8

What is common to all the messengers of Allah?
  • Invited to worship of Allah alone
  • They warned about day of judgement and life after death in jannah or hellfire.
  • They promised intercession on the day of judgement.
  • They said to follow the forefathers
  • They warned of a day when no soul shall avail a soul
  • They forbade from corrupt practices and enjoined everything good.
  • They said worship us as well and make dua to us .
  • They had exemplary character.
  • They were kind and well wishers of their people.
  • They were humble and submitted to Allah completely.

Question 9

What characteristics of iblees should we be extremely careful of?
  • Arrogance
  • Not admitting faults
  • No regret for bad actions
  • Haya or shamefullnes
  • Disobedience to Allah's commands.
  • Revenge
  • Boastfulness
  • Being ungrateful
  • Taking blame for faults

Question 10

The comparison of one who is greedy for the dunya is like a greedy / panting dog and nothing satisfies him.
  • True
  • False

Question 11

Never be concerned with what people can do for us but ask Allah for his fadl and bounty.
  • True
  • False

Question 12

Which of the following actions of ours will make Allah swt angry with us?
  • Decrease in giving Sadqa when money is less
  • Giving taunts to children for our spending on them.
  • Abortion and unnecessary family planning
  • Giving old stuff to the poor.
  • Disrespecting parents.
  • Eating in extreme
  • Wearing tight fit clothes in public.
  • Wearing beautiful clothes
  • Not doing hijab.
  • Talking to non mahram without a cause and without a mahram present even virtually.

Question 13

Eat drink and enjoy the fadl of Allah swt but use the faculties and the energy for serving the deen of Allah and keeping ties of relationships and doing good.
  • True
  • False

Question 14

We are all born on [blank_start]fitrah[blank_end] and we should revive our true nature.
  • fitrah
  • shirk
  • fear

Question 15

Allah grants victory without our resources to whomever he wills.
  • True
  • False

Question 16

What does it mean when our sins don't bother us, when we are heedless in performing salah or if we are not bothered by Allah's prohibitions like music, reading haram, eating haram watching haram etc...
  • That it is a trial for us
  • That it is Allah's rope to us
  • That our hearts are sealed.
  • That we are given ease.

Question 17

What are the things that break the unity of the Muslims as an ummah?
  • Greed of money
  • Disputes and arguments.
  • Thinking one to be better than another: Ego
  • Loss of courage: cowardice
  • Fear of people
  • Fear of Allah
  • Jealousy and animosity and treachery.
  • Being impatient.
  • Not following the commands of Allah
  • Not following the sunnah of our prophet Mohammad saw.

Question 18

We have to make [blank_start]hijrah[blank_end] from our sins towards goodness.
  • hijrah
  • adjustment

Question 19

Allah swt does not punish a people as long as they are [blank_start]making Istaghfar.[blank_end]
  • making Istaghfar.
  • in wudu.
  • sleeping

Question 20

What are some things which make our scales of good deeds heavy in sha Allah.?
  • Migration from sins
  • Giving zakat and Sadqa.
  • Be moderate in food and clothing
  • Learn and teach Quran
  • Zikr of Allah
  • Istaghfar
  • Sacrifice what we love for Allah: our time, energy, wealth etc
  • Being a good person in akhlaq and character.
  • Showing off
  • Supporting those who are working for the deen of Allah.
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