DQE quiz week # 5 by sister Maryam Saeed


daura quran English by sister Maryam Saeed
alhudasisters.ce Admin
Quiz by alhudasisters.ce Admin, updated more than 1 year ago
alhudasisters.ce Admin
Created by alhudasisters.ce Admin over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What lessons can be learnt from the lives of Hadrat Zakariya a.s. and Hadrat Maryam a.s ?
  • Never despair of the mercy of Allah even if situation seems hopeless.
  • Even women can serve the deen immensely.
  • Sacrificing our children for the service of the deen will reap them benefits in Duniya and hereafter.
  • Do tasbeeh when we recieve a blessing.
  • Righteous and pious women guard themselves from strangers.
  • Seek refuge in Allah when a trial comes
  • Allah blesses whom he chooses for the service of the deen and mankind.
  • Good children are arrogant and boastful and disobey parents.
  • It's best not to argue with folks concerning our innocence.
  • Allah will prove the innocence of the truthful.

Question 2

What lessons do we learn from the stories of Ibrahim a.s.and Ismail a.s?
  • Display Utmost patience when people go against us
  • A dutiful child is a blessing from Allah and Allah raises his/her ranks.
  • Those who don't have Children make dua to Allah for a righteous child
  • Dua is always answered, we just have to be patient.
  • We should interpret our dreams
  • Reflection on the creation of Allah
  • When we leave something for Allah he replaces it with something better.
  • The utmost sincerity of the best of us is to perform salah and give zakah for Allah and establish perfect prayer.
  • Allah favours one nation/race over another.
  • Our sacrifice does not reach Allah but only our piety does.

Question 3

Sleep is like death.
  • True
  • False

Question 4

What do we learn from the story of musa a.s?
  • Physical strength may or may not be an asset subject to whether it is used correctly.
  • Sometimes unintentionally we commit crimes. The solution is to run away
  • When we commit a sin we should seek forgiveness and help of Allah swt.
  • Always ask Allah for even the smallest need.
  • Propose to girls yourself.
  • Help others even if you yourself are in distress.
  • Support and providing for the family is the job of the man and his reward is from Allah.
  • Trials should bring us closer to Allah
  • Allah's help is with us if we are on the right path
  • Be soft in speech even with the enemy in battlefield.

Question 5

True success is to enter jannah without going through the hellfire.
  • True
  • False

Question 6

Which of the following is false?
  • We should not argue with people on matters of the deen without knowledge.
  • Day of judgement will be a long and frightening day where we will be recompensed.
  • Quran was sent down to scare us and distress us .
  • Eeman and falsehood cannot stay in the same heart.
  • On the day of judgement we will see the angels.

Question 7

What do we learn from the stories of Dawud a.s and Sulaiman a.s?
  • We can accept a good suggestion even from our child
  • Praise Allah and thank him for all blessings.
  • The whole creation does tasbeeh
  • With knowledge comes fahm and hikmah to all.
  • We should strive to be just.
  • The jinns know the unseen
  • Allah swt gives as many blessings to his servants as he pleases.
  • One of the best gifts is a righteous child.
  • Humility and submission to Allah is necessary in all matters.
  • Seek forgiveness when we realise our mistake.

Question 8

Zakat is of two types:
  • Zakat of wealth.
  • Zakat of nafs
  • Zakat of food we eat
  • Zakat of our homes

Question 9

When we are in complete distress like Yunus a.s then also we should call upon Allah and not give up hope of his mercy ever.
  • True
  • False

Question 10

Commands of Surah noor are casual commands from Allah.
  • True
  • False

Question 11

What are some of the commands of Surah nur?
  • Never accuse a chaste woman.
  • Don't spread slanders And rumours.
  • Control our tongues
  • Don't even look at the aura of other men/women.
  • We can wear tight and see through clothes.
  • Stay away from Zina and adultery
  • Don't display our beauty in front of non mahram
  • Walk and talk decently.
  • Forgive those who say unjust things about us.
  • Don't forgive and keep grudges.

Question 12

We can delay marriages till we accumulate enough money to have a big wedding ceremony.
  • True
  • False

Question 13

What do we understand from the quran regarding our houses and homes of others.
  • Enter from the front.
  • Greet the members with salaam when we enter.
  • Children near puberty should knock before entering rooms of parents at resting times.
  • Separate the beds of kids above 10 years old.
  • If someone does not answer then we should knock again and again.
  • We can eat from the houses of near relatives without asking again and again.
  • Don't linger in houses when we are invited for a meal but leave soon.
  • We have to do hijab in homes from male servants.
  • We should beautify ourselves for our husband at home.

Question 14

What is true about those who are successful?
  • They give precedence to the commands of Allah over the pressures of the duniya.
  • They are people conscious
  • They do good for feeling good about themselves.
  • They are not worried about the acceptance of their good deeds.
  • They don't believe every ayat of the quran.
  • They want reward on the duniya for their good deeds.
  • They find constraint in their hearts to obey difficult commands off Allah.

Question 15

On the day of judgement will we be able to give excuses for our actions in this world?
  • Yes
  • No

Question 16

We should follow our heart.
  • Yes
  • No

Question 17

Which points of amal have we taken for ourselves?
  • Walk humbly not arrogantly
  • Pray salah with khushu.
  • Give charity willingly and happily.
  • When someone insults us or argues with us then we should say salaam.
  • Pray at night to Allah in sha Allah.
  • Absorb the quran into our hearts and make it luscious and fruitful.
  • Make dua to Allah for our guidance and to be saved from hellfire.
  • Worship our nafs
  • Do lots of good deeds
  • Repent from sins

Question 18

Prophets left behind knowledge as their inheritance.
  • True
  • False

Question 19

Does Allah swt sends us warners before he punishes us for our sins?
  • Yes
  • No

Question 20

How should we think of Allah?
  • That he will take Retribution for our sins.
  • That he created us in the most beautiful forms.
  • That he is the most merciful and forgives sins so we should repent.
  • Ask for punishment for sins from Allah.
  • That he will not punish anyone.
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