ASNT Level 3 Study Guide Basic


Quiz on ASNT Level 3 Study Guide Basic, created by NDTprofessionals on 12/09/2014.
Quiz by NDTprofessionals, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by NDTprofessionals about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Wich of the following statements is true concerning the usage of SNT-TC -1A
  • SNT-TC-1A is intended for use by a limited set of industrial segments
  • SNT-TC-1A was generated to satisfy the specification requirements of ASME
  • SNT-TC-1A was last revised in 1998
  • SNT-TC-1A is not intended to be uses as a strict specification

Question 2

The SNT-TC-1 A interpretation panel will respond to inquiries about SNT-TC-1A. The inquire must be:
  • Written and stated in general terms
  • written including specific details of the case, eg. names,places, and other pertinent facts
  • Considered by the ASNT board of Directors if it involves a decision that would place ASNT in a position between buyer and seller
  • ruled upon by the Technical and Educational Council of ASNT before the SNT-TC-1A interpretation panel prepares a respond

Question 3

Which if the following statements is true?
  • ASNT has been providing certification examinations for Level 3 personnel since the late 1960s.
  • SNT-TC-1A was first published in the late 1960s.
  • SNT-TC-1A requires that Level 3 personnel be qualified and certified by the ASNT.
  • SNT-TC-1A was developed to satisfy requirements for the NDT personnel qualification and Certification set forth in parts of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.

Question 4

With regard of training of NDT personnel, the employer..
  • must conduct all the training on their premises
  • may engaged an outside service who must conduct training on the employer premises
  • should not conduct training to close to the company's problems
  • may engage an outside service, but is nevertheless, responsible for the certification of the NDT Personnel

Question 5

SNT-TC-1A is intended as a guidelines for employers:
  • to establish their own written practice that must be used as a strict specification
  • to establish their own written practice for the qualification and certification of their NDT personnel
  • to define training course requirements for contractors performing outside training services
  • who are corporate members of ASNT

Question 6

The following is a statement in SNT-TC-1A "It is recognized that these guidelines may not be appropriate for certain employers ; circumstances and/or applications" What should be done if the guidelines are not appropriate?
  • The Employer must change its operations to conform with the guidelines
  • The employer must seek relief from ASNT for inappropriate applications
  • The Employer should review detailed recommendations and modify them, as necessary to meet its particular needs
  • The employer shall submit an inquire in writing directed to the SNT-TC-1A Interpretation panel.

Question 7

Which of the following statements is not true
  • Certification is a written testimony of qualification
  • Qualification is the skill, training and experience required for personnel to properly perform the duties of a specific job
  • The Employer is a corporate or private entity, that employs personnel for wages or salary
  • A certifying agency is any organization used by an employer in training NDT personnel

Question 8

Who should be responsible to assess whether or not an individual should be qualified and certified who does not perform NDT but, monitors and evaluates NDT?
  • ASNT
  • The Individuals employer
  • A government regulatory agency
  • The Customer's auditors

Question 9

To which of the following NDT methods is SNT-TC-1A currently not applicable?
  • Visual testing
  • Thermal/Infrared testing
  • Acoustic Emission Testing
  • Holographic Testing

Question 10

ASNT intended that the recommendations of SNT-TC-1A be applied:
  • with flexibility and reason
  • precisely as written
  • as minimum requirement
  • as maximum requirement

Question 11

Of the Following which is most appropriate to determine the needs to qualify and certify personnel whose only NDT function is to operate digital thickness equipment?
  • ASNT
  • ASME
  • the employer
  • the customer

Question 12

Certification is?
  • the skill, training and experience, required for personnel to properly perform the duties of an specific job
  • written testimony of qualification
  • intended to be conferred by an organization independent from the employer
  • intended to be conferred by an organization hired by the empoyer

Question 13

Use of SNT-TC-1A is mandatory when?
  • the material being tested is for U.S Air Force Contract
  • the material being tested is for U.S Navy Contract
  • it has been specified by the customer
  • the material being tested is for U.S Army Contract which requires certification of NDT personnel

Question 14

The Basic levels of qualification recommended by SNT-TC-1A are
  • Trainee, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
  • Trainee, Apprentice, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
  • Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
  • Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Instructor

Question 15

Should personnel that operate ultrasonic digital thickness measurement equipment be qualified and certified?
  • yes, because SNT-TC-1A, requires that all personnel performing NDT be qualified and Certified
  • No, because SNT-TC-1A does not cover that specific operation
  • Only if required by industry code, standards and specifications
  • whether any NDT personnel should be qualified and certified depends solely upon the needs of the employer and the requirements of the employers customers or clientele

Question 16

According to the recommendations of SNT-TC-1A, which of the following is true concerning a Trainee's activities?
  • The trainee may not conduct nondestructive tests independently and may not report test results
  • The Trainee may not conduct nondestructive test independently, but may interpret test results if acting under written instructions
  • The trainee should work along with a certified individual and may be considered a Level 1, provided that the certified individual co-signs any test reports
  • Once the trainee has worked along with a certified individual. the trainee may then independently perform any activities as directed by the certified individual

Question 17

According to the AST-TC-1A, which of the following is not true for a level 3?
  • Shall be capable of assisting in establishment of acceptance criteria
  • Must train and examine the Level 1 and 2 personnel in his organization
  • Should be familiar with other commonly used NDT methods`
  • Shall be capable of establishing techniques and selecting of test methods

Question 18

According to written instructions, an NDT level 1 may be qualified to perform
  • specific calibrations
  • specific nondestructive test
  • specific evaluations
  • all of the above, and write reports of test results

Question 19

May a level 1 Independently perform , evaluate and sign for results of nondestructive test with supervisions and guidance from a level 2 or 3
  • Yes, the intent of SNT-TC-1A is that a level 1 may perform the above functions provided that they are in accordance with written instructions of a level 3 or designee
  • No, the level 1 may perform the above functions in accordance with written procedures, but must be under constant supervision and guidance of a level 2 or 3
  • No, the level 1 may not sign for test results
  • No. the level 1 is not allowed to take any independent action

Question 20

Which of the following statements is true concerning the definitions of Trainee, Level 1, 2 and 3 in SNT-TC-1A?
  • The qualification for the Level 3 equal and exceed those of level 2
  • SNT-TC-1A was intended for use by employees to determine the proficiency of individuals at each level
  • Except for a provision for a Trainee, Levels 1. 2 and 3 may not be further subdivide. Levels 3 may not perform Level 2 functions unless they pass level 2 examinations
  • A Trainee may perform all of the functions of a level 1, following written instructions

Question 21

Which of the following is not within the scope of activities of a Level 2 Individual, as recommended in SNT-TC-1A
  • Calibrate equipment
  • Prepare written instructions
  • Establish techniques
  • Provide Training

Question 22

As recommended in SNT-TC-1A, a level 2
  • may conduct on the job training and guidance of level 1 personnel, with the level 1 training and guiding trainees
  • is responsible for the training and examination of level 1 personnel for certification
  • must be capable of and responsible for establishing techniques
  • may conduct on the job training and guidance of level 1 personnel

Question 23

According to SNT-TC-1A, which of the following is true for a level 3?
  • A level 3 must have successfully completed at least 2 years of science or engineering study at a college or univertisty
  • It is desirable that a level 3 be a register professional engineer
  • The level 3 is responsible for establishing all acceptance criteria
  • The level 3 shall be capable of evaluating test results in terms of codes, standards and specifications.

Question 24

In Accordance with SNT-TC-1A, who is responsible for establishing a written practice for the control and administration of NDT personnel training, examination and certification?
  • The NDT level 3
  • The employeer
  • ASNT
  • An appropriate regulatory authority

Question 25

The responsibility of each level of certification for determining the acceptability of materials or components:
  • need not to be described in the employers written practice since those responsibilities are defined specially in SNT-TC-1A
  • Should be be described in the employers written practice only if they are different from SNT-TC-1A recommendations
  • Should be described in the employers written practice under all circumstances
  • should be described in the employers written practice if dictated by customer requirements

Question 26

What factors are to be considered to ensure that a candidate for certification in NDT understands the principles and procedures involved?
  • Training, experience and education
  • Training, experience and prior certifications held
  • Education, experience and percentage of time on the job doing NDT
  • Training, experience and professional credentials

Question 27

IS recommended in SNT-TC-1A, which of the following is true
  • Overtime cannot be considered in meeting the minimum experince
  • Overtime can only be considered if the candidate is being qualified in more than one method simultaneously
  • Overtime can be credited based on total hours
  • SNT-TC-1A does not currently provide a recommendation regarding overtime

Question 28

High School education is recommended as a minimum requirement for:`
  • Level 3 only
  • Level 2 and 3 Only
  • none of the levels
  • All 3 levels

Question 29

In Leak testing, recommended work time experience and training
  • differs from each of four major techniques
  • does not consider different techniques
  • Is listed for levels 2 and 3 only
  • Is significantly greater for ultrasonic testing

Question 30

It is recommended that the education and experience of a level 3 candidate include.
  • Graduation from a 4 year university or college with a degree in engineering or science college or university plus 1 year's experience in NDT
  • graduation from a 4 year college or university with a degree in NDT plus 3 month's experience in NDT comparable to that of a level 2
  • 2 years experience in NDT comparable to that of a level 2 if high school graduate
  • 6 years experience in NDT if the candidate did not graduate from High School

Question 31

Records substantiating qualification are recommended to be kept on a:
  • daily or weekly basis
  • monthly or hourly basis
  • fractional yearly basis
  • fractional hourly basis

Question 32

For a person being qualified directly to Level 2 with no time at Level 1, the recommended experience consist of:
  • the time recommended for Level 2
  • the time recommended for level 3
  • the sum of the times recommended for level 1 and level 2
  • not less than 6 months for any method

Question 33

In some cases, the training times recommended for Level 1 are greater than for a level 2, Why?
  • In preparing for qualifications at level 1, the candidate should always receive more training than for level 2, regardless of the NDT method
  • Some numbers in the table are erroneous
  • Candidates for Level 2, generally have more formal education than those for leve 1
  • Some methods require more initial training at Level 1 because the differences in complexity and manipulative skills

Question 34

The recommended training hours in a particular method are
  • listed as a function of the candidates education
  • the same regardless of the candidates education
  • listed as a function of the candidates experience
  • reduced if the candidate is being qualified in more than one method simultaneously

Question 35

Its is recommended that a training program for qualification and certification purposes should include:
  • one-on-one practical instructions by the level 3
  • training applicable to all industries where the method is used
  • examination to verify that the training material has been comprehend
  • a practical examination to verify the training material has been comprehend

Question 36

Recommended training courses outlines:
  • are included in CP-105 and must not be modified
  • are included in the most recent editions of SNT-TC-1A
  • are included in CP-105 for the methods listed
  • are not available for leak testing

Question 37

For candidates with different educational backgrounds, recommended instructions periods are:
  • the same regardless of the educational backgrounds
  • the same regardless of educational background, but different for a level 1 and level 2
  • different based on educational background
  • different base on educational background, but the same for level 1 and level 2

Question 38

Recommended training reference material
  • is available only through ASNT
  • is available from a variety of sources
  • can only included those references listed
  • must be made available to each trainee

Question 39

The recommended training courses outline includes:
  • technical principles of the method
  • review of API 1101 requirements
  • review of ASTM guidelines
  • review of interpretation requirements in ASME B.31.3.

Question 40

In Accordance with SNT-TC-1A, the NDT level 3 shall be responsible for:
  • ensuring Level 2 personnel examine level 1 personnel
  • Interpretation of all test results obtained by level 2 personnel
  • all the questions to be use on examinations for level 1 and 2 personnel
  • writing all the company standard operating procedures

Question 41

Which of the following may conduct and grade examinations for Level 1 and Level 2 personnel?
  • An NDT Level2
  • A Selected Representative of the Level 3
  • ASNT Personnel because they offer examinations on a regular basis
  • The Company President

Question 42

OF the Following personnel, who can administer the near-distance, vision acuity examination using the reading card with Jaeger letters?
  • An NDT Level 2
  • The Plant Recepcionist
  • And NDT Level 3
  • The Employee's medical Doctor

Question 43

As recommended in SNT-TC-1A , A physical examination requirements are intended to be:
  • the same for all methods
  • the same for all employeers
  • related to each employers specific need
  • as specified in applicable sections of ASME Boliler and Pressure vessel Code

Question 44

The General examination is intended to cover?
  • Basic test principles of the method
  • Only the material included in the training course outlines of SNT-TC-1A
  • The equipment operational capabilities of the candidate
  • The operating procedures that the candidate may encounter on his job

Question 45

Questions and answers available from ASNT are intended for the use of compiling
  • the General examination only
  • the specific, Practical and General Examinations
  • The basic and Method Examination
  • The General, basic and method examination

Question 46

Which of the following parts of the Level 1 and Level 2 Examinations should be written
  • The general and specific
  • the general and practical
  • the general specific and practical
  • Only the General

Question 47

The practical examinations is recommended to included operational familiarity with test equipment and analysis of test results for
  • Levels 1, 2 and 3
  • Levels 1 and 2
  • Levels 2 and 3
  • trainees, Level 1 and 2

Question 48

Which of the following statements is true with the regard to the administration of written examinations
  • The examinee should not be permitted access to any reference material
  • Reference data may be supplied for the practical Examinations only
  • Level 3 personnel should be required to memorize everything except codes, specifications and procedures
  • Codes, specifications and procedures may be provided to examinees for reference during examinations provided that they do not contain data that can be use to answer questions in the general examination.

Question 49

For the written examination, tables, graphs and charts may be used:
  • Only during level 1 Examinations
  • Only during level 2 Examinations
  • During all examinations
  • Only for the level 2 practical examination

Question 50

For Level 1 and Level 2 Practical Examinations, one or more test specimens are recommended and the examinee should perform test and evaluations using the appropriate equipment and test specimens. The minimum number of different checkpoints recommended is:
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20

Question 51

In certification of level 3 personnel according to the recommendations of SNT-TC-1A , the employer
  • must give written examinations
  • must give general and specific examinations
  • may delete the specific examination
  • can waive written examinations if oral examinations are given in their place

Question 52

For level 1 and level examinations, the recommended minimum composite score is?
  • 60 percent
  • 90 Percent
  • 70 percent
  • 80 percent

Question 53

For Level 3 basic examination , it is recommended that Level 2 questions also be included. These questions should be:
  • Level 2 type questions base on other applicable NDT methods
  • based on level 2 task for the particular Method Examination
  • selected at random from questions previously used on level 2 examinations
  • given only if the candidate is being examined in more than one method.

Question 54

If an outside agency is engaged to provide level 3 services, the:
  • written practice of the outside agency pertains, and it is not necessary for the employer that uses the outside services to have a written practice
  • responsibility of certification must be retained by the employer utilizing outside services
  • employer utilizing outside services must nonetheless have a Level 3 in direct employment
  • outside agency may certify the personnel of the employer utilizing outside services

Question 55

Which of the following statements is true concerning recertification
  • recertification can be accomplished only by reexamination at least once every three years
  • recertification can be based upon evidence of continuing satisfactory performance
  • Once certified to a particular level, certification can only be terminated if the certified individual terminates employment with certifying employer
  • reexamination of a certified individual can be accomplished only after three years at a particular level

Question 56

What purpose is the best served by maintaining certifications records and the written practice?
  • For periodic approval of ASNT.
  • To determine the effectiveness of outside services.
  • To provide documentation for review by customer, clients and regulatory agencies
  • To protect against product liability claims

Question 57

The employer is responsible for certification of
  • Level 1 and 2 NDT personnel
  • Level 3 personnel only
  • outside services
  • all levels of NDT personnel

Question 58

The employer can consider an individual to be qualified to Level 3, but only if he or she:
  • takes comprehensive written examination.
  • has in excess of 5 years experience comparable to a level 2
  • meets the requirements of the employers written practice
  • has taken the ASNT NDT Level 3 Basic n at least one of the Method examinations

Question 59

Automatic termination of certification is recommended when the certified individual
  • terminates employment with the employer where certified
  • is temporary assigned to a different job function
  • takes a leave of absence greater than 30 days
  • achieves a higher level of certification

Question 60

A certified Level 3 individual terminates his or her employment with employer A and is immediately employed by employer B. Employer B may certify individual as level 3 based upon which of the following
  • The employer must examine the individual
  • The employer must examine the individual if he or she has not been working as a level 3 during the past 6 months
  • The employer may recertify the individual to level 3, but only 6 months of satisfactory service
  • The employer may certify the individual to level 3 in accordance with their written practice
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