Unit 4 Collaborative activity


I like teaching ,i am a longlife learning
etwinning groupe
Slide Set by etwinning groupe, updated more than 1 year ago
etwinning groupe
Created by etwinning groupe over 8 years ago

Resource summary

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       TITLE :VOLUNTEERING  ACTIVE CITIZENDescription languages :English ,French ,Spanish ,Arabic Partners  :Tunisian schools , Europeen schools  Students age :15 - 18 years old Project duration : one school year             ( september to may ) Subjects :History , Geography ,Foreign languages , Sciences ,civic education 

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       This is a multidisciplinary project.It tackles the importance of voluntary activities ,and how they lead to an enriching learning experience, how they are beneficial to society as a whole and how they contribute to promoting active citizenship . The students will learn by doing ,they will change from a mere member of society to an active citizen .

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    Educate students on the role of volunteerism and promote their activities.     Volunteers help improve quality of life for others .                                 Gain valuable experience and develop new skills Learning to live together       Understand and respect diversity. Learning by doing .Motivate students         Develop student's team                                                                           Working ,communicate with partners from other countries                         Practice foreign languages                                                                       Develop digital skill                                                                               Enhance the educational experience

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       Different tools will be used to present ,communicate ,collaborate ,and evaluate . Twinspace ( forum , chat ... ) Online platform  emaze ,Prezi ,Moovly ,Goconqr ,Voki,Tagul ,Genial.ly,Padlet ,Scrumblr , Dolstorming ,answergarden ,surveymonkey ... Creating a website  blogger ,weebly  an e book : calameo  My partners and students can adjust the list

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    The collaborative activity
      The steps in this activity make students                                      aware of their citizenship .   They will search ,discuss ,agree and create with their partners    They will practice their English   

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    The active citizens
          INTERNATIONAL GROUPS      - we use scrumble ,an online space to create and share notes.     Students choose a subject refering to the areas of volunteerism and each of them explain his choice .     Students will find their peers and form international groups     Teachers share the groups that they will help ,two for each group they will be from different schools     - we create files on the twinspace forum according to the number of groups      (3 - 4 ) . 

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     the students in each group choose the same activity .   The choice will be according to the specificity of each country curruculum .   & environment : natural ressources , preserving nature ,pollution ,recycling ...   & Educational ,cultural matters : Historic event , famous personality , ... ( prepare exhibitions in their  schools, posters...)   & Humanitarian assistance : tolerance and help the other ,at school and outside .   & Other   Each group will planify its action .      - Each group will create a website ,Blogger      
    Caption: : Groups communicate and take decisions together about their work

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        - Meeting , we use Skype ( all schools ) :           Discussion between members of each group              + Presentation              + Activities relationship with the school curriculum               - Teachers planify the meeting ,they use Doodle .      - Communication between teachers will be according to needs ( skype ,e mail ,twinspace ,social platform )           

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    Final activities    A meeting : Skype , Groups present their activities     On Padlet (one for each group ) :video ,photos , PTT , text ,poem...    An e brochure calameo ,where we will find all the activities of our volunteers .        
     Finally evaluation     SurveyMonkey to evaluate :        etwinning experience         the impact of the project   

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        An e brochure calameo ,where we will find all the activities of our                volunteers .      A website   Project presentation in schools (parents ,teachers , students ...)    Presentation of the project on the local radios
    Expected results
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