
skimming & scanning
oriana sanchez
Slide Set by oriana sanchez, updated more than 1 year ago
oriana sanchez
Created by oriana sanchez almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

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    Técnicas de lectura rápida
    What is it about?   Reading fast using fast reading techniques allows you to read more and memorize more content in less time and with a minimum of effort.    The technique you choose will depend on the purpose for Reading. For example, you may read for enjoyment, information, or to complete a task
    How is it done?      Strategy # 1: Know what you want to know.    The first thing you should ask yourself is: Why are you reading the text? Are you reading for a particular purpose or just for pleasure? What do you want to know after reading it?      Once you know this, you can examine the text to see what goal it takes you. If you are reading a book, for example, one way to do this is to read the introduction and headings of each chapter.

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    Strategy # 2: Uses fast-reading techniques      Quickly scan and review with the view (scan), are fast-reading methods where you take a look at the passage to find specific information.        How to Browse Quickly?      When you quickly examine a document, you end up at a speed of three to four times faster than a normal reading. Very often people quickly examine a document when they have a lot of material to read at a given time.
    Method # 1 to quickly examine: Focus your eyes down to the middle of the text page.Focus only on the facts you need.Method # 2 to quickly examine: Browse from the top left corner to the bottom right corner of the page.Then examine from the upper right to the lower left corner

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    How to Scan:    Scanning is the fast-read technique you use often when you are searching for a word in a phone book or dictionary. Search by keywords or ideas. In most cases, you know what you're looking for, so you're focused on finding a particular answer. Method # 1 to Scan: Begin at the beginning of the passage. Move your eyes quickly over the lines, trying to find the keywords related to the information you want to find. As soon as you find any of the keywords you are looking for, stop the scan and start reading normally.
    What is it for?      Scanning involves running your eyes around the page for specific facts or words and key phrases.      First, they are an aid in the localization of new terms, which are introduced in the chapter      Second, scanning is useful in locating the statements, definitions, formulas, etc., which you must remember complete and accurate.     Similarly, exploration skills are valuable for various purposes in the study      How is it used?    The technique is used when you are looking for a name in the phone book: move the eye quickly on the page to find certain words or phrases that are relevant to the task you are doing. It is useful for analyzing text fragments to see if they are going to Be useful to you: * The introduction or prologue to a book * The first or last paragraphs of the chapters * The last chapter of a book

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    Suggestions for Both Processes:      As a whole class, discuss the definition of skimming and the purpose of digitization. The teacher may ask the class to compare this with the students' definition of digitization. Provide each student with a copy of an article. Together, read the first and last paragraphs. Together, read the first and last paragraphs.  Having the class predict what they believe are the author's main ideas or themes.
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